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Scythe - Rroy Skytun

Roleplay: "ISOS_Xavi"

Player: Xavirne

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"I don't want your pity. I chose to embrace this life."


Birth Name:  Rroy Skytun
DR Nickname:  Scythe
Date of Birth:  Friday, December 13th
Years of Life: Sixteen
Grade:  Junior

Height:  6'3"
Weight:  176 lbs
Eye Color:  Red
Hair Color:  Black
Sexuality:  Demisexual

You want to know about my appearance?  There's really not much to talk about.  I prefer to wear black, gray, or red clothing.  The simpler, the better.  I don't like getting caught up in front of the mirror.  What's the point?  It's not like altering my look will do me any good.  I'm 'cursed' with red eyes and black hair, a not-so-common genetic combination.  I'm also told my 'resting bitch face' is quite the turnoff.  Eh, it's not my fault though.  Life's boring when there's nothing but school to entertain you.


Shall I describe you how I see me?  Or how others perceive me?  If the latter, I've heard the words "cold" and "heartless" used quite a bit.  "Friendless" and "loser" also come to mind.  Such terms don't really bother m-- who am I kidding.  Of course they bother me.  I've spent my entire life being told I'm a monster.  I've just come to embrace my fate.  It's not fair but, hey, I guess that's life for you.  You can either give up and give in or make some sour lemonade with a twisted grin on your face.

I opted to make lemonade.

Meaning?  Well, despite not calling anyone my friend, I do hang out with people.  Not really my choice but, if I had to tolerate people, these would be the ones I tolerate the most.  That and they can be entertaining.  I just won't ever invite them over.  No point in having them see my miserable living situation.  I'm a kid cast out on the streets with nothing.  Before school each morning, I clean the casino across the street from me.  It pays extremely well so that's how I get buy.  Plus, some of the stuff I deal with is pretty shady.  We've established a "you don't ask, I won't ask" relationship.  I'll clean whatever they need between the hours of 4 and 6, no questions asked.  In return, they keep my name off the public record and I get paid under the table.  It's win-win.  So I look like I'm some rich kid with a hefty trust fund when, in reality, I've got absolutely nothing to my name.

Still, that doesn't mean I won't work my ass off to make something for myself.  For example, let's look at my education.  I'm the top of my class.  I've always been smart, especially book smart.  I think up on things pretty fast.  I can read a situation and, to take that a step further, I know how to manipulate a situation.  Things not going my way?  That's okay!  I know how to twist perceptions and ideas so that fiction becomes my reality. 

Uh, what else?  Eh.  I guess you could say I'm devoted.  To what?  Heh, if I had friends, I'd do everything I could to help them out.  I... this is going to make me sound pathetic, but I don't like seeing people get hurt, especially if I can do something to stop it.  I guess when you've been kicked your whole life, you want to make sure others don't get kicked.  But, like everything, it's a double-edged sword.  I can't protect unless I can attack.  So in my, haha, free time, I hit the gym.  I also go for a 3-mile run every day.  Guess that counts for something right (like maybe persistent?  Not a quitter?  Stubborn even?).  That I'm not afraid to push my own limits and surpass my old records.  Guess you could just say that I simply refuse to accept defeat.

Though don't let that confuse you.  Just because I don't like to accept defeat doesn't mean I'm invincible.  Ha, I said it.  I'm not a god.  I'm not capable of enduring everything.  Even I break, trip, and fall.  I'm not immune to feelings or emotions.  I try to suppress them but sometimes... sometimes you just can't help it.  When you're constantly getting attacked, your armor will crack.  Your willpower will falter.  And you'll just break....

Equipment / Abilities

I am lucky enough to command two Persona.  I can either wear the Mask of the Reaper or the Mask of the--do I really have to say this?--Eros.  Just don't look that up, okay?  Reaper is capable of casting dark/death attacks.  He can also unleash plague and bleed on his enemies or stop/charge them while mounted on his horse.  As for Eros, he can cast icy-moves on foes.  Eros can also heal freeze or grant someone with an ice-shield.

P E R S O N A ' S   W E A K N E S S
Reaper is weak to light/holy attacks.  Meaning, if Reaper is on the field, I'll take extra damage to these kind of attacks.  Another downside of Reaper is that, to summon him, I must stab myself.  It's painful and, unfortunately, this health cannot be regained until Reaper is withdrawn from the field.  Moreover, for a the first few moment of battle, I become a thought-less killing machine hellbent on coating the walls and floors with blood.  It's the curse of the Reaper -- Bloodlust Berserk Mode.  Eros is weak to fire.  I'm extremely prone to burn damage when he's on the field.

For my melee attacks, I use a scythe.  My ranged weapon is a set of dual pistols with a total of 16 shots.

I'm not easily knocked down by attacks.  I'm also impervious to freeze, regardless of what Persona I have active.  I'm also really good at tag-teaming with another.  If they start the attack, I can often land the killing bow.

Since I live alone, I had to learn how to cook.  I make some pretty tasty treats.  They'll help us get out of any tight spots though the effects can leave you a bit on edge.

I fucking hate tomatoes.  Keep that nasty fruit away from me.  And for the love of god, don't make me fight a tomato!

Typical attire in the DR

When using Reaper Persona in DR


Please don't read into this wrong.  I'm not looking for your pity.  The saying "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" is something I've learned to live by.  So any sympathy will ultimately piss me off.  I don't need it.  I made do with what hand I was dealt and, because of it, I came out stronger than I ever expected.

I honestly have no idea who my parents are.  I'm not sure why they don't exist.  I've paid to have tests run but everything always comes back redacted.  I'm not sure if they're in some witness protection program.  Or if they're dead; and if they are if their deaths need to be kept hidden from the public eye.  I... I 'm honestly not sure.  There's just nothing there.  No lineage, no relatives, no nothing.  It's just me.

I'm told I was dropped off at the orphanage around nine months old.  A younger mother who just had a child of her own took care of me for a while.  I stayed with her until she decided I didn't need her anymore.  It took a while for an orphanage to actually accept me as I was less than a year old.  Eventually one did and I stayed there for about three years.  When they realized that no one wanted to take me in, they thought that transferring me might help.

I was way ahead of my fellow orphans.  I was talking, walking, learning faster than any of them.  The new orphanage liked to call me the "child genius," hoping that would attract an adopter.  However, it didn't work.  One look at me and they recoiled like a snake.  I was only 4 years old and I already had a gut feeling that no one would want me.

So what did I do?  What any other kid would do.

I cut my hair and tried to gouge out my eyes.  It didn't work and I was immediately taken to a psychologist to talk about my feelings.  I was 4 so I really didn't understand it but I was thankful to have a constant in my life.  At one point, I even thought the psychologist would adopt me but, per the rules, he wasn't allowed to.  Still, it didn't stop him for arranging meetings with me and asking me how I was doing.

I was about 8 when the orphanage decided it was time I move on.  I wasn't getting any adopters and they were "wasting money" on the psychologist (I eventually discovered that he wasn't charging them a damn thing; he just genuinely cared about me).

Or at least that's what I thought....

When I transferred, the psychologist moved.  I was ecstatic.  Someone actually cared enough to follow me.

But... I didn't see the writing on the walls.  The orphanage didn't move me because I wasn't being adopted.  The doctor...

I remember him holding my throat.  Telling me that "a good little boy would do as told."  I remember how he'd always look at me as if I were his next meal.  I started to question my life.  Was seeing this man worth it.  He was the only one to pay any attention to me but the bruises, the awkward infatuation... it was taking its told.

A social worker eventually caught on to what was happening and I was saved.  I was lucky I never had to endure the next levels of abuse but I'd say it did its toll on me.  I hated people.  I hated everyone.  I didn't dare let anyone get close to me again.

Between orphanage directors, new psychologists, and social workers, no one could break through to me.  I was damaged and I didn't want to be fixed.  I knew I was useless.  I was 8 years old and not a damn person wanted me.  And it was all because of how I looked.  How I laughed.  How I acted.

"He's so mature for his age"

"He's unbelievably talented.  There's nothing he can't do"

"The way he looks at the other kids... I fear for their safety.  He sees them as nothing but pawns.  He's the master of his own game and he's playing them as fools"

"If he doesn't wind up dead, he'll end up being a top wanted criminal.  He's too conniving for his own good.  Just look at how he calculates everything"

Not everything was nice.  But I didn't care.  If they were going to isolate me and treat me like a criminal, I'd adapt to that mindset and let the darkness creep into my soul.

Around the age of 10, I was brought to another orphanage.  This one was for the "mentally unstable."  Only, they couldn't find anything technically wrong with me.  Each test, I passed.  Every tricky phrase, I knew how to answer it properly.  I didn't have any signs of mental issues or ill-behavior.  So I was released.  This time I was shipped across the country.  They had hoped that some rich family that wouldn't have any luck with having kids would adopt me.  I was surrounded by rich, snotty orphans whose parents died to drugs, drinking, or jealousy.

It was... interesting.  I learned that although I didn't fit in, I didn't not fit in.  There was something high and mighty about these kids that I liked.  That they never looked back.  That they never took pity.  I decided I wanted to embrace that.  If they could be cool and alone, so could I.

As expected, no one adopted me so I was moved back across the country.  I stayed at the orphanage until I turned 16.  They paid for my elite schooling, which was surprising.  But, I suppose, they didn't have a choice.  Anything lesser would have bored me and I would have dropped out of classes.  So they had to give me something that was a challenge.

Ha, challenge.  As if.  I hardly studied to get my grades.  After they paid for the first year, the rest of my tuition was free.  I just had to float above an 85 and I'd be covered.  It was easy.  Too easy.  So I told myself I'd say about a 95.

Have yet to have an issue with that.

So yeah, that's been my life.  Passed around from orphanage to orphanage.  Taken advantage of by a perverted old man.  Learned how to live life the tough way and grew strong.  Erased any real need for friends or feelings....

Sigh.  Though it would be nice.  You know, not to be alone?

It's why I took up a job at the casino.  Er, two jobs.  The 4 to 6 AM job is sketchy af but it pays handsomely.  The other job is as needed.  The casino has an issue with cheats.  So they call me in.  I'm really good at counting cards, loading dice, and hitting a bull's eye in darts.  And I'm not caught or called out.  They just bring me in whenever they need me to whoop someone's ass.  Technically what I do is illegal, since I'm underage but they've worked out a deal with the local law enforcement.  I get paid a small cut and we all keep it quiet.  I help lock up the losers.  It's pretty neat.  Plus I like the idea of having people rely on me to get tricky jobs done.  It's... fulfilling.


Significant Other Traits:  Independent.  Doesn't need rescuing because she can save herself (yet is always in trouble wouldn't object to being saved).  Outgoing and inclusive (remember to include him and get him to participate in conversations and events).  Someone who's loyal and devoted and isn't just going to abandon me.  Cheeky and flirty.

Likes:  Hot tea with honey, gray days, snuggling (tho he would never admit it), taking care of someone (again, not that he would admit it), strategy games and puzzles, the cold, collecting knives and blades, ice skating, running -- to name a few.

Dislike:  Tomatoes, bright/sunny days, humidity, temperatures over 80 F, the idea of possibly being in love with someone, needing to be saved, people who walk too slow.

Favorite Holiday:  Halloween.  He likes to dress up and go to Nieko's house for his parties.  Also has a soft spot for Valentine's Day, despite not having anyone to celebrate it with (which is funny because he doesn't like the idea of falling in love and yet he wants to).

DR thief outfit (left) | RL skate outfit (right)