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Roleplay: "Elvin Tales"

Player: silenttiger43

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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"I promise..."


Magnus has a tendency to get in over his head but he'll never break a promise, no matter how ridiculous. He takes things that people say with some creative liberties and sometimes he just... takes things. He moonlights as a simple pickpocket and gets through the day with cheap magics to scam people out of their money on the street.

When it comes to pursuing lovers, he's more bark than bite. He'll flirt with just about anyone but prefers a challenge so the least someone seems interested in him the more he becomes intent on pursuing them romantically. That said, he gets bored of women quickly and once he's conquered one, he's rather quick to move on to the next challenge. He's never really fallen in love before, not truly.

Equipment / Abilities

