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Roleplay: "Life and Death"

Player: EisforEnigma

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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A damaged mage with the ability to manipulate souls

Though distinctly mer, it is difficult to tell his exact race. His height and lighter skin tone suggest Altmer. He has no hair and his eyes are difficult to discern behind thick-lensed glasses. His movements tend to be slow and graceful, thoughtful rather than instinctive - until someone gets to close. He tends to flinch away from physical contact. He is painstakingly clean. 

Niel is soft-spoken and tends to leave words to others, even speaking after the relevant time has passed. He's a cerebral sort and a little distant, to the point of being rather cold. 

Equipment / Abilities
Equipment: A staff of warding, a wand of flames, a wand of candlelight, and a ring of healing.

>Inherent ability to use 'soul trap' at will (can sometimes work on the living)
>Ability to see souls of living things, like a lasting 'detect life' spell
>Can reanimate and command three summons (undead, atronach, spectral beings) at a time, more if they are weaker
>Can cast and use enchantments without the use of an enchantment table

Has an inability to cast conventional magic, but can still wield enchanted items. 

His origins are mysterious to anyone who know him - and that list is not terribly long. For many years he has lived in a ruined tower on the outskirts of (???), casting spectral hosts to scare locals away from the location. He's granted enchantments to those who can offer him something he wants - which tend to be simple things like books or food. 
