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Shi'nnes "Shi" Baeneplith

Roleplay: "Dragon Age: Shepherds of Light"

Player: Xavirne

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If we're going to die, I'm going to make sure we go down laughing til our very last breath

Shi'nnes "Shi" Baeneplith
{Foolish Heart Blessed by the Forest}
Centaur, Scout, 24 years of age
Earthy brown hair; Forest green eyes

Shi is a centaur: half-man, half-horse.  As a man, he has soft, golden-brown skin and deep earth locks of brown.  His eyes are a lush green, much like the pines within the forest he calls him.  His human body is lean and toned, well-trained for strength.  His half-horse body is a nice auburn brown color.  His legs ripple with muscles but were built for climbing and for speed.  His tail, much like his head of human hair, is that same chocolate-brown color.

For armor, Shi likes to wear a summery-gold color.  His shoulders and arms are completely covered where as his chest and back are exposed.  He has a problem with over-heating so the less he wears, the better.  Around his horse-body, he wears of harness-like-saddles of sorts in that same summery-gold color.  There are extra belts and straps on his harness on the off chance he does allow someone ride him.

As he is a wild horse, for the longest time, Shi had no horseshoes.  Though, after joining the Shepherds, he did eventually let the clan mount his feet with extra protection.  After getting them, he swears he'll never go back!

The 7-foot centaur has no noticeable scars.  He does however have his right ear pierced in two places with a chain between them.

Shi'nnes' name truly speaks to his personality.  The centaur is a foolish, silly creature with a large, kind heart.  He seeks to bring smiles to the faces of those who gather near.  He enjoys laughter above all else.  To him, laughter is the song of life. It unites people and it bridges all racial, gender, and religious gaps.  A laugh is a pure gesture, one without evils.  Or rather, a true laugh is one without darkness.  A vile laugh of a wicked soul, however, is something that pains him.  He cannot understand the darkness that swells within the hearts and minds of so many.  To him, all are equal.  To him, all can fly.

Shi is a dreamer, a believer.  Even though he knows his dreams will not come true, he still clings to them and prays to the Maker that some day, his dreams might hold a bit of truth or reality to them.  He likes to see the good in all, sans those of corruption.  To him, those who are corrupt will always be corrupt.  A tainted heart cannot be changed for it lost the faith of the mighty Maker.  To turn from Her is to turn from the light.

Odd, no?  How can one believe all are equal except those with darkened hearts?  To the centaur, demons are not considered one of the Maker's creations.  They belong to another--the Destroyer.  The Destroyer is the one to hate for He seeks chaos, madness, and darkness.  Those that align themselves with the Destroyer are not equals.  They are foes.  An enemy that must be hunted and killed.  It is the reason he raises his spear to the heavens.  It is the reason he fights alongside Ru'Onna and their ragtag team.

Equipment / Abilities
A lance is his weapon of choice.  He claims it's the perfect weapon to keep people away.  He knows that if someone can get close enough to him, he'll be dead.  Hence, needing a long weapon.

Skills & Talents 
When it comes to flora and fauna, there is no one better than the creature that spends his every waking moment living in it.  He's an expert when it comes to edible food as well as healing roots or plants.  He can tell you if danger approaches just by listening to the songs of the birds or the rattles of the snakes or bugs.

Drinking, though perhaps an unorthodox talent, is something he is good at.  He's big into partying and making all feel welcome.  He's quite entertaining too!  You've never had fun until you've been to a centaur party!

Reading the odds (intuition).  He's not sure why, but his gut guess is 85% of the time right.  As such, it's good to seek advice from the centaur, especially if something doesn't quite feel right.

Terrain and location.  For the most part, he can manage.  However, there are some things he cannot do.  For example, narrow doorways.  He can't fit through those.  Or steer cliffs.  Humans could use rope and climb up.  He?  He had to walk around or look for some other way to get his heavy body up a non-climbable mountain.

Cooking.  Shi is a herbivore.  He does not eat meat nor will he ever.  He eats leaves, twigs, and branches, and whatever vegetables he's given.

Fire.  Shi'nnes has always had a terrible fear of fires.  When fire is used, he can feel the land scream.  He's very in-tune with nature and if it's in pain, he's in pain.

Patience.  He has none.  It's why he's a terrible scout.

Although originally frowned upon, the centaur child spent most of his youth in the nearby elven village.  It wasn't to say the creatures of the forest didn't get along it was just... well, the elven elders would often complain that a particular young centaur was giving a should-be "political" elf less than desirable traits such as drinking, partying, lying, cheating, and goofing around.  No matter how many times the centaurs tried to put their hooves down, little Shi would escape and play with his best friend.  Eventually, the centaurs gave up.  Actually, they laughed and said it was fate.

When Shi came of age, he went about his rite of passage much like the rest of the male centaur.  It wasn't anything too taxing for she spent a lot of time sparring and playing with Ru'Onna, the elven child he befriended.  With her help, he was able to complete the daily tasks with ease, giving him ample time to play with her.  His clan could have been mad but instead admired his determination.  He was skilled, they could certainly say that.  And his ability to complete the tasks in a more than timely matter?  Well, if he continued this, he might just be up for the role of chief!

After his week of rites and tributes, Shi'nnes earned his brand which he wears proudly between his shoulder blades.  Although he cannot see it, he knows what it represents--Strength of Heart and Spirit of Friendship.  Two things the centaur treasured deeply--compassion and friendship.

Knowing he would never take the role of chief or even a warrior, his clan allowed the centaur to officially be appointed to Ru'Onna.  He would, more or less, be her guardian.  With her high ranking position, it seemed fitting.  That and it wasn't alike Shi would leave her side anyway.

Unlike his comrades, Shi has always been loyal to Ru'Onna and the Shepherds.  He changes nothing other than he now wears their clan's symbol on his back.

Centaur Baby by hinoraito
The Fade 
Shi'nnes' appearance in the Fade.