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Liv Blake

Roleplay: "ISOS_Xavi"

Player: ISOS Duke

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My Name is Beverly Emily “Liv” Blake, and I am 15 years old.

Within the town of Sunnydale, I am seen as a Sophomore at Sunnydale High School and secretly a member of the Order, which is an important role within this story.

My heart leads me along the lines of life towards, men, definitely men, which may come into play as things unfold.

Hidden magic lies beneath the surface of this life, taking the form of Weather Manipulation.

There is something else you should know about me, yes, my eyes are naturally blue and no, this is not my natural hair color.  My natural hair color is brown, though I prefer to have a wide range of colors in it.  Right now it’s white with blue and seafoam green streaks in it.  I’m also 5’6”.




There are a number of words that come to mind when one thinks about Beverly Blake and none of them are the most pleasant.  Liv is what you would really expect out of a rebellious teen from the city.  She’s rude to people more times than not, slacks off in just about everything she does, if she even shows up.  She would be the one to fake a license to get alcohol and cigarettes if it weren’t for the fact that everyone in town knows everyone else and Nan already found out about her trying that once.

It’s not that Liv really actually hates everyone, but it’s more than their attention isn’t what she’s after and she doesn’t want to be bothered with trying to make other people happy when she is trying to get someone else to pay attention to her.

Equipment / Abilities

Magic Abilities:

Liv’s affinity lies within weather manipulation and as such, she has definitely taken a liking to Storm from the X-Men.




With the way Liv talks, you would think that her parents disowned her or just aren’t around all together.  That is very, very far from the case though as her parents are very much alive and well as well as trying to be a part of their daughter’s life.  

The Blake family is the oldest family still within Sunnydale and her grandmother, known to all as “Nan” not only holds a seat as President of the School Board, a member of the Town Board but is also the Leader of the Order.  When Nan plans a visit, everyone is aware, especially the Order members.  Had something planned for the night and Nan calls saying she’s stopping by?  Suddenly your plans have changed.

Liv adores Nan, often putting the elderly woman at a higher point that her own parents.  She had always been a “Nan’s Girl” and some say that her personality change over the last few years has been to get the woman’s attention even more.

With all her hats, Nan is a very busy woman and Liv still desires to constantly be by her side when she went places, even visiting the houses of the others in the Order.  Unfortunately as Liv got older, Nan no longer let her join her on her meetings and never gave a reason why.  The more Nan put her foot down, the more Liv started to rebel.  It has gotten to the point where the girl goes out of her way to break rules, cause trouble and even threaten to run away just to get the woman’s attention.

Let the music of my soul be heard in the form of King of Anything for all eternity.