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Mei Foo

Roleplay: "Of Knights and Dragons"

Player: ISOS Duke

Public,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Elder Monk of Le Feng


The Monkey Master...
Don't let Mei's 4'11 stance and youthful appearance fool you.  The woman is 40 years old, with dull brown, blind eyes.  She prefers to keep to traditional clothing of her people, something that is starting to lose its place among the more common folk of LeFeng.  She wears a short kimono of many layers of Earthen colors; the garment itself probably weighs a good 20lbs, though you wouldn't be able to guess it from the ease in which the woman moves.  She wear wooden sandals, black form fitting pants (not too tight, not too baggy) and a large straw hat.  The woman also has a walking stick or cane that she uses to get around.


Equipment / Abilities

