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Evvonia Asonov

Roleplay: "Pripyat (ADULT CONTENT)"

Player: Kai

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"The dog sometimes bite back when you give it rabies."

Giant, grotesque and Amazon. That is the most commonly used terms to describe the woman. Born a native Ukrainian under communist rule, she lived a good life in the early stages of her life, blonde, pretty, thin and tall. She had it all, until Evvonia turned to alcoholism. Then her life went down hill. First, prison. Then came the penal legions: That was where Evvonia changed forever. She received dosages of gene therapy to bring her strength up. In the beginning, Evvonia worked extremely successfully as a loose cannon when given the right weapons. However, she continued to grow through straight up abusing her dosages. Each dosage was bigger then the last, and the process went longer. Driven already crazy from being in prison and the penal legions, the destabilizing effects of the therapy drove her over the end.

But now, at 36, Evvonia was a 5'11 woman who weighed barely weighed 150lbs. Now she grew into a grotesque monster of a woman, stacked to the core with unnaturally huge mass. Now, Evvonia is well over seven foot and nearly 380lbs. Devoid of piercings, she does however, have tattooing, alongside huge track marks running up the backsides of her arms from injection sites. Her back holds a picture of a soldier waving the Soviet flag from it's rifle, while various writing of names and places she's known were above it in a memoir. Huge, overdeveloped muscles wrapped around her body, pushing the limits for how big a human could ever get. Short, clipped blonde hair rested on her head, with a square shaped jawline and dark, plump lips rested under a a smaller but larger crooked nose with dark green eyes. She was, quite literally, built to destroy.

Paranoid, crazed, and quick to upset. Evvonia is a tortured soul ruled by her own strength and paranoia. Lead to believe she was put here, not because of a crime, but because someone was out to get her. Spiteful at the world and wholly just a prick, Evvonia does actually have a soft side when it does show in the rare occasions. But her sweetness, comes and goes as fast as the wind picks up a leaf. While not officially bipolar, it was safe to say Evvonia developed it through the lengthy and rather torturous effects in the Legions.

On her flip side, when Evvonia is not looking to kill or beat someone up, she takes rather large passion in painting like she used to do. Musically talented in the early stages of life, the woman could've lived in luxury if she hadn't decided to throw her life away by partying. But most importantly, she has a certain weakness for some animals including fish. Though one thing is certain, and that is the concrete fact that Evvonia is a hedonist, especially around younger people. On extremely rare occasions, Evvonia was found to be playing a piano at one point in past documents. 

Equipment / Abilities
Evvonia never had any official training, picking up most of her skills on the fly after being used practically as cannon fodder in the earlier conflicts. The trauma of such things, has hardened her mentality but also taught her a few important lessons regarding life or death. And thanks to her new found strength, Evvonia learned she was much more dangerous when she could rip a door off of a car, and throw it with both hands. So, she fights dirty. Ironically, despite being practically the Army for her homeland of the Ukraine, Evvonia was never issued a gun or even taught how to use one.

Growing up, Evvonia lived in the upper scale parts of the Ukraine, on the side of a large lake. She was being taught music, arts, and speech-giving to be raised as an aristocrat. It went perfectly in line with the family, who the Asonov's were known to be politicans, or something of importance to the government. That is, until Evvonia learned about the troubles of bad kids in high school. Even at private schools like the ones she attended. It started with cigarettes...
And from there spiraled to Hell. From cigarettes moved to marijuana, from that to alcohol where she learned she preferred drinking far more then getting high. Then it went to the fan after she became an alcoholic. Evvonia's grades plummeted from an A+ average, to near failing in less then a year. After being kicked out, she ran from home to live with her first boyfriend, who was also a party-goer. The two kept hosting parties until their early twenties, when the two were arrested. Evvonia's charges, however, were far more severe then his because of her heritage. So they proved a point. Twenty year sentence, and ten must be in the Legions.
But in prison, Evvonia learned the harshness of the world. Usually through beat downs and violent rape, until she finally grew strong enough to fight back. And ever since, violence was not the question, but the answer to almost everything. Once she had reached her point in to earn a title among the hundreds of others; "Sobaka Sobaki", which roughly translated to the dog of dogs. Penal legions were used for nothing more then distractions and cannon fodder. But, there was a secret among specific ones. Including the one Evvonia was shipped too by train. That was the FEGEP(Forced Evolution Gene Therapy Procedure), or simply known as "The Growing Juice". Gene therapy that yielded results in almost every field it was deployed in, but the process was extremely torturous and often at the cost of an extremely shortened life span
Such was Evvonia's, since by the age of 25 she had hit her max at normal means of 240lbs and 5'11. Her first dosage of the harsh experimental chemicals was her last time ever being coherent. She thought it a maddening ecstasy, with the desire for more and more. Her arrogant views on beauty warped as the new chemicals forcibly kept Evvonia growing. Taller, stronger, but at the cost of her sanity and humanity. The doctors felt like her only friends by putting the woman into a drug induced coma that always awoke with a maddening sensation of power filling her insides. The process itself was not just the torture, but the isolation and constant violent, alongside the night terrors and withdrawals snapped the woman's psyche by age 29. By the time she was 30, Evvonia had grown into a grotesque hulk that used to be a regular person. The same hulk who's warped sense of reality revolved around who which was the bigger and meaner got what they wanted. 
At 33, the Government had begun to realize their mistake by not taking into account Evvonia would probably never peak out on their serums, and could continue to grow into something far worse if left unchecked. So, their hand was forced realizing as well, that no regular prison could even house the inmate. That was where the option of Pripyat came into play, dumping their mistake into the wilderness.

Bonus features:

Evvonia was not supposed to live to be 36, but she did anyways. Clues to how is within her.

The triceps are actually the largest muscle on her upper arms due to the fact they are the injection sites.

She was originally raised Orthodox Catholic.

Evvonia has actually left country before, visiting Asia as well as the American Empire as a younger child.

She is technically fluent in three languages: English, Ukrainian and German, though before her downfall she was learning French.

Bonus bonus feature: The picture shown above is Evvonia in her underwear, most of her clothes were custom tailored.