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Rael Bartel

Roleplay: "Koragnier [OPEN]"

Player: Syrasya

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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"When life gives you lemons."


Age : 18 years old
Height : 5'9
Build : Lean
Hair : Black
Eye : Blue

Rael is all smiles. Always the joker, even in the worst of times.
Rael had spent all his life following after his big brother. As a second-born, he had grown up without the expectation and responsibility of fighting and war. Even so, he loved following his brother whenever he trained. But Rael never did anything but watched. He watched and observed, the very idea of actually fighting never crossing his mind.

And really, why would it?

But when a fatal plague that had infected his village caused by a rogue demon breach one year - a disease which quickly and quietly kills the living cell of the human body until there was nothing but dust - his brother had been one of the unfortunate ones who had died before the situation was brought to attention and resolved. 

At the age of 17, Rael found himself in a situation that after a 100 years, in a world where a death was easily revived, no one would even imagine would ever come to pass - as a second-born, as a substitute to his late brother, Rael Bartel was sent to Koragnier.

Equipment / Abilities
Rael lacks in basic skills, never having trained a day of his life, but he has strong arms and upper body strength from days of labour helping out his parents in the farm while his brother was training.
Rael is a quick learner - a genius in that aspect.

