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Roleplay: "Divine Malady"

Player: enkerzed

Public,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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The half life


Placid, stoic and introspective, Damon is ever the level headed thinker, though he doesn't remember much of his life before becoming one of the Fallen. At most, he is aware that he had once lived as a human and it is this scrap of knowledge that drives him to constantly examine his own humanity, as well as what it means to be one of the Fallen.

Though typically a tranquil soul, it is in battle when he allows his emotions to boil and rage, making him as terrifying as he appears. In such a borderline berserk state, he will meet every threat with a roar and spit in the face of death itself if he could. Whether this is due to the Malady or his former life as a human is something he often reflects upon, but when shit hits the fan, there's no one else you'd rather have on your side. Just be sure to not let him get too carried away, because he may dive headlong into danger without realizing it when riding the adrenaline high.

When not occupied with meditating on deep thoughts, Damon will spend his time enjoying the simple things in life, such as: lying in the grass, sleeping under the shade of a tree, listening to the wind in the leaves and a thousand other little things that seem to make the whole world alive. He's not very talkative, but Thalia seems to think that his presence has a calming effect and considering her attitude, that's really saying something.

Equipment / Abilities

