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Roleplay: "Deleted by the owner of the RP 2"

Player: onestar

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Just a friendly face...

Pale, bleached hair and a stepford smile are his most definitive features. His choice of clothing involves high-necked jackets and simplistic, dark colors. There is nothing glaringly abnormal or unusual about him that would raise undue suspicion. 

I'll be honest; Paris is crazy as shit. He's a narcissistic sociopath with a god complex- though you'd never know by looking. He prides himself on his ability to deceive humans, and will give anything to satisfy his own severe megalomania. Most of these goals coincide with his overwhelming desire to attain praise from the one man he views as above himself, his "boss" Adrian Adams. That being said, his acting skills are top notch and border on professional. 

Equipment / Abilities
Paris has the power of nullification; he is, by all means, a super human- he in no way considers himself one of the mutants. He takes great offense to being assumed as one. The nullification he poses works on himself as well as anyone he is in current physical contact with. 

Born in one of the more destitute areas of the city, Paris was given up early to be raised by the childcare system. Not much attention or love was lavished on the boy, which was a shame. He grew to crave attention more than life itself. It was acting out that got his mutation discovered; it would have spelled the end for him had a certain man not stepped in to claim his life. In this way, the man praised him and assured his importance- Paris decided to dedicate the rest of his life to please his savior.

- Was not born with white hair, dyed it after Adrian made a spare comment complementing the hair color of one Jake Septhorn

- Does not like Jake Septhorn