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Merrik Felix Hawkeye

Roleplay: "Ze Dark Times"

Player: Fluttershy

Public,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Merrik-From Atlantis

Merrik has sandy blonde hair with tints of brown, and the typical blue eyes of someone from Atlantis, although his are much lighter than normal.  He is rather short and slim. He dresses in layers with many pockets to hide the various tools he has.

Merrik is rather laid back and easy going.  He developed a love of machines at an early age, leading him to own his own ship and make trips to Below for various supplies at an equally early age.  He tries to behave and follow the laws, however, is very easily influenced. He is also hopelessly in love with any beautiful female body he sees, although he is horrible with his attempts to woo any girl.

Equipment / Abilities
Merrik can easily build or repair flying crafts.  He is also trained in various guns, attempting to even create one powered by the sun, letting it have unlimited ammunition, although that is a long way away. He also knows how to use various creams and medicines from his flying city, and is able to recreate weaker versions.

Merrik was always happy living on Atlantis, which is ruled by a council.  He thought Below was a dark, hot world ruled by Kings with violence and crime, poverty and starvation being constant threats.  When he didn't check his ship well enough, and it crashed, killing his passenger, he landed in Malum's kingdom.  He is now travelling with him in an attempt to get his ship up and running again.  Now, his biggest concern is staying himself, and not giving in to the dark temptations the King of Thieves offers.

Current theme:  Fly On The Wall