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Roleplay: "Ze Dark Times"

Player: silenttiger43

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Eldonian Mage

With dark brown hair and vibrantly blue eyes, Hemset is not what most people expect when they hear High Mage of Eldonia. At a fourteen years old he stands a meager 5'3 and rather skinny, too skinny for a boy that should yet be growing in the opinion of many. He wears a rather irritable look on his face for most occasions, in hopes that no one will try to talk to him but it doesn't always work out that way.

Hemset is always wearing layers, a long sleeved shirt with a vest and a coat that trailed down to his knees. He's often seen wearing the white Mage cloak of Lakar as well, though it's clearly too long for him and trails along the ground behind him. Oddly enough however, the white cloak never seems to get dirty somehow. Though sometimes to keep it from being a tripping hazard, Hemset wraps it around himself and throws it up over his shoulder.

He typically wears a pair of hefty leather boots that buckle halfway up his calf, along with a pair of bracers that go into fingerless gloves on his forearms. 

While in Egypt however he has been forced to discard most of these layers, going down to the more minimal long sleeved shirt and brown pants, switching out his boots for sandals even. 

Inexcusably shy and ferociously fierce seem to be the only two extremes Hemset bounces between. If he's not trying to make himself as small and hidden as possible, then he's probably trying to kill you or at least cut you with his harsh tone. Almost no one has ever seen him smile and he'd rather be caught dead than to go play games with other boys his age. He hates being put on the spot, he hates crowds and people in general but if you catch sight of him when he's alone you might be surprised in the man you'd see. 

When Hemset's alone he's a completely different person. He stands tall and confident, having no one to judge or ridicule him. And if he's practicing his magic, you might even catch him smile.

He has such a kind smile.

Equipment / Abilities
Hemset is strictly a magic user. Pretty much useless with any conventional weapon really. The staff he carries was once Lakar's and while it can be a powerful tool, Hemset does not have the experience to wield it. He carries it mostly as a symbol of his High Mage status in Eldonia.

Basic elemental manipulation magic is what Hemset does best... or really, the only thing he's capable of. With a combination of wind and earth he's able to overcome most foes but if anyone is able to survive passed his first few spells the mage wouldn't stand a chance. He's a sprinter, not a long distance runner. Using up almost all his magic at the beginning of a fight in order to overwhelm his opponent into submission.

A peculiar thing is how his body seems to overheat when he's reaching his limits. This is not normal for any magic user and you're not careful, you could easily burn yourself just by touching his skin.

Very little is known about Hemset's past, he keeps the knowledge of it a well guarded secret.

I will say this however; the time he spent in the mountains is only the tip of the iceberg. 

Theme song:

Getting out alive