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Luciferus Satanus August Belzebub The Third

Roleplay: "Sunshine Destiny Miracle Island Academy"

Player: Tahiel

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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The Awesome Principal.

Luciferus, or Lulu for his friends, is a tall man with a wide build and big muscles. He has short black hair and wears glasses that make him look super sexy and awesome, even though he doesn't need them. He always wears designer suits, all the time. Even to sleep, because he has to look hot and sexy at all times and what best to accomplish that than a designer suit? He only has the one same suit style in his wardrobe and has a lot of copies of it so it looks like he's always wearing the same but he's not.

Lulu is awesome like no other. He's totally sexy and cool and aloof and serious and super hard worker. He also likes nachos.

Equipment / Abilities
He always wears the same style and color of designer suits. He has the power to freeze people in the spot with his gaze when he's angry, and all guys and girls are crazy about him because he's so hot and sexy.
Sometimes he gets even more sexy by appearing with disheveled hair and his tie slightly off and the first button of his shirt undone and then makes everyone swoon, but usually he's very neat in his appearance and won't have a hair off the place he puts it in even if he's caught in a whirlwind! He uses industrial strength hair gel, after all.
He also can turn into an angel with black feather wings and long blond hair and a nice white robe. He can also summon an angelical sword with wings as the guard and double blade that irradiates a white energy and is super strong. He can command EVERYTHING.
He can summon smaller demons at will to do whatever he asks them to.

Lulu was an angel but then he fell to hell because he didn't agree with God and became became the ruler of Hell, but then he got bored because it was really stupid to lead a bunch of ugly looking demons that couldn't do anything by themselves, so he took on a human appearance and founded this school for cool kids, because it was just awesome like that.

Don't call him Lulu unless you're his best friend!!