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Lorelai Nickelson

Roleplay: "{ k e y }"

Player: Omlyt

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"This the right way?"

Gender: Female
Age: 22
Birthday: Feburary 29th, 1992
Day Taken: May 3rd, 2014

Height: 5 feet, 3 inches
Weight: 170 pounds
Body Type: broad shoulders, wide hips, smooth curve between her rib cage and hips, overweight
Distinguishing Features: Glasses, water color-style sleeve, back and leg tattoos, and white-ink lace tattoo on her rib cage 

General Style: Shorts and sweaters, leggings or pants when cold, tank tops when hot

Personality Type: INFP (introvert, intuitive, feeling, perceiving)
Introspective, private, creative, highly individualistic, driven by values, compassionate, loyal, patient, easygoing, adaptable

Q: How would you feel if you were late to an important meeting?
A: I would be mildly upset, but if I'm late I usually have a pretty good reason to be. 

Q: What would happen if someone spilled coffee on your computer and rendered it useless? 
A: I have a back-up of everything I'm working on online! I'm fine as long as I can get my hands on another computer, and that's generally easy. 

Q: Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!
A: What? You're kidding right? I didn't betray you, I just did what was best for you! I'm sorry... I won't do it again.

Q: You're at a party with a bunch of people you don't know. 
A: Leave. I came in on accident anyway. 

Q: You have broken your ankle and you can't walk. A friend offers to help you. 
A: Let them help me after a bit of saying that I don't need help. I generally like to try doing stuff myself before I let someone else help me. 

Q: A friend is in trouble! 
A: Get them out of trouble in any way I can. Is that how I managed to break my ankle in the last question, helping this friend? Huh. That's... nice. 

Q: Someone ate the rest of your favorite ice cream!
A: As long as you get me more ice cream... I guess I'm okay with it... Seriously, if you don't get me more, I will be very upset...

Q: Final question: Glass half empty or glass half full?
It is technically completely full. Air and water is in it, but in reality it is just a partially filled glass of water. I wouldn't drink it though. It has probably been sitting there for a while. 

Equipment / Abilities
Key: On the curve between her thumb and index finger on her left hand, there is a simple diary key tattooed there. 

Starting Inventory: Striped sweater, jean shorts, black capri leggings, comfortable combat boots, car keys, wallet with ID and a bunch of random artists business cards

Skills: taking notes, eating ice cream with chopsticks, devouring a book's contents in less than half a day, using most modern technologies, being comfortable, using a Wacom drawing tablet, a number of watercolor techniques, citing in MLA and APA format- pretty much useless things in a situation much like this

Before Taken: 
She was on her way to a meeting with a number of other artists at her college to discuss their collaboration on a huge project. Keys in her hand and halfway down the stairs of her apartment building to the car, she disappeared in a puff of smoke. 


Image from: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Silly-Queen-108419743