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Xion K'ytar

Roleplay: "The Crown's Gamble"

Player: Marsyas

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The Demon and the Prodigy


Name: Xion K'ytar
Age: 23
Eye Color: Crimson
Hair Color: Crimson
Skin Color: Bronze-Brown

If I had to describe my own personality I would say that I'm reserved. I'm used to being ostracized so I'm pretty calm and level headed. I have a thirst for battle though I believe that came from my pact rather than a natural desire. I tend to avoid personal conflicts unless hired to do a job. I am a carefree person. It's hard to get under my skin. And despite me being a pact users, I'm pretty well liked by people who get to know me.

Equipment / Abilities
This is my typical outfit minus the bow and arrow and of course I wear a large black fur cloak that I made from the skin of bears personally. I carry a sword that was a family heirloom and with me being the last of my family and an outcast naturally I have it. Now as far as my abilities go, I'm a natural mental mage. I specialize in all mental magic, psychokinesis and illusions in their entirety; I'm a prodigy of sorts. The reason so many people look down on me without knowing my story is because I'm also a pact mage. My pact partner Sephtis is an Angel of Death. No one who has seen him has lived to speak about him, but to give you a bit of information, most consider Death Angels no better than demons. Likely because they have a thirst for blood and war. In essence they live for battle. It just so happens that Sephtis is a mental attributed spirit, so our powers are amplified by one another's making us highly compatible and me, highly dangerous. With Sephtis, I have the ability to summon him to the human realm as a specter who can only be harmed by magic and while he is summoned I cannot use magic myself. Then, there is the option for us to merge my body with his spirit which results in a special transformation This form allows for me to use insanely powerful magic by amplifying my natural abilities with his. I don't usually use that ability because the form taxes my body heavily and makes me unable to use magic for at least a week afterwards while leaving me weakened.

I was born in a small village outside the border of Savala. I showed high promise as a mage by the time I was two, so my family sent me off to the Magic Academy in the capital to train to become either a mage, magic investigator, or magic knight. I studied there until I turned fifteen -already good enough with a sword and magic to be a magic knight- and heard that my village had been attacked. Rushing home I found that there was nothing left. My village had been completely destroyed but I felt the tinge of magic everywhere. It had been destroyed by magic users. I had a decision to make. I could go back to the capital and try to ask them to send out a magic investigator unit to find the assailants which would probably take too long. Or I could follow the trail myself. So I followed it myself being confident in my abilities. A few days later I came up on a camp belonging to an infamous band of mercenaries, called the Black Dawn. Like an idiot I decided to take them on and while I did manage to kill a few of them initially, their leader was famous for being on par with the most powerful magic knights in all of Savala. This proved to be true. I was left for dead after a short confrontation. Even being a prodigy, couldn't save me. As I laid there, bleeding to death, I heard a voice call out to me. Unfamiliar but strong and convincing. It told me that if we made a pact, I would live and it would grant me the power to gain the vengeance that I desired. I accepted. And I got my revenge a day later. I was also expelled from the Magic Academy once I returned. My eyes which had formerly been a silver tint, were now a crimson red same as my natural hair color. I later found out that it was my pact sign which differs from person to person depending on their spirit. So for the next few years I lived in the wilderness, continued my training under Sephtis' (my pact partner) instruction. I found out that although we were two separate entities, we were now one thanks to the pact. We could speak to each other telepathically, like he was my conscience or like could feel each others' thoughts. No one else can hear him when he speaks to me. He taught me all about the benefits and disadvantages to our pact. After I was considered to be competent enough of a partner, I moved on and started mercenary work for anyone who wished to hire me. Despite being a pact users, many people have need for a man with power so it wasn't hard to find jobs or for me to amass a large fortune though I continually donate most of it to orphanages or homeless peasants to help them get back on their feet.

Half Angel Transformation (Bodies Merged) Can be controlled
Death Angel (Sephtis) Can be summoned

Oh and my name is pronounced shee-on(Xion) ca-tar(Kytar).

I'm also well educated able to read and write unlike most peasants thanks to my Academy years.