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Ninnanna Mystic

Roleplay: "Stranded on a deserted Island"

Player: Bridgetabee

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Spirit of the Island, mess with it and you better hope you make it off alive.

Looks exactly like in her picture.

Not much is known about her personality since she is very rarely seen or heard from and those who do see or hear from her almost never live to tell the tale. The few who survive her encounters, usually walk away with a gift of some sort, or with a warning. Besides merciless spirit of the island, nothing is known about her personality.

Equipment / Abilities
Controls all elements that are the Island. She is the land, the air, the water, the fire, the creatures, the trees, etc. She is, the essence that is the Island. She can cast spells, disappear, fly, show up in her true form, or appear to be a mere normal animal of the island, no she can't shape-shift but she can "ghost" into an animal or creature and become one with it for however long she chooses. 

Her history is a mystery, as old as the island, as old as time itself possibly, no one knows. She protects the Island and all of its creatures, living and non-living, she is an immortal being. One thing was found out once by a hermit in the woods of the Island, is that should she deem a reason worthy, she can give up her immortality to become mortal once more, and once she dies the Spirit of the Island picks the next descendant to take on the power and responsibility. 
