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Roleplay: "Perils of the Deep Hallow"

Player: ISOS Duke

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Do you know the pain of torment? I wish to cleanse you of that fear.


Huh, what's this?  I have a visitor?  Why hello there, my name is Odette.  I'm about, oh, twenty-five years old?  Though I'm not completely certain, but I'll go more into that later, kay?  I have white hair and reddish brown eyes.

I prefer solitude, though sometimes that can be easier said than done.  I guess shape wise, something must be appealing as the men from the local village seem to think that I'm in constant need of attention and help to get back to my home.  As I grew up to my five foot seven height, my hips and chest decided that they must mature to a point that it drew attention.  I've heard whispers from the woman in the village cursing 'that woman's hourglass figure'.  To be quite honest, if they took that figure from me and I was able to live my life of solitude in peace, I would be quite happy with that.

My usual go-to outfit tends to be a pair of knee high boot with feathers coming from the heel.  I prefer dresses to many other forms of clothing, though skirt will suffice as well.  I love my winged, halter top dress; it's mostly white with teal trim, embroided with feather and flowers.  You can't forget the sleeves!  The cuffs of the sleeve grip at the bicep and flow open and beyond the hands in the same manner.  Jewelry is a must as well!  Teal and turquoise gemmed belts, armbands and necklaces are a must.  The piece de resistance?  My headband decorated in jewels and feathers, all definitely a must!

A bit revealing and welcoming?  You think that's why I get followed by the men at the village?  That's nonsense.  I dress in what I like and everyone can just get over that <3


My personality?  Hmmm, well I'd say that I'm pretty outgoing.  I do enjoy spending time with others, but it's always nice to return to the safety of one's home was all is said and done for.  The people around here have gotten boring, they're conversations all having to become very much the same...  It doesn't seem like they really show much interesting in talking anymore either.  I am talkative and love to hear and tell stories of grand adventures.

I dunno, what else to really say...  Umm...  I, hmmm, I guess I get embarrassed pretty easily?  I don't like hurting people, that really bothers me.  I was teased enough as a kid to know it's no fun to be picked on by others.

I do like to have fun and joke around with people though.  I'm not supposed to spend too much time in the villages (I tend to sneak out when I really shouldn't) and the people there just aren't cutting it anymore.  I'm starting to wonder if I should just get out in the world and go on an adventure or soemthing.

I'm really bad about talking about myself, no one has ever asked that question before so I wasn't really prepared...

Equipment / Abilities
Equipment & Weapons
Weapons?  Really?  Now what...  Oh!  I do have a dagger!  It's a pretty one, though it looks more like a fencing sword than anything.  It has a pretty wood carved handle with a small swan on the end and a wooden scabbard that's decorated in feathers and small gems.

Oh, stop, no I didn't forget about you.

I have Honk too.  He's a swan that just won't leave me alone.  He's followed me around since he was a baby and just never left my side.  I didn't do anything to gain his affection, but he's very protective of me and quite the vicious bird.

Equipment wise, I have my bags around my belt.  They may not seem like much and they may seem small, but you would be surprised by how much they carry!  What's in them?  Well silly, you'll just have to wait and see.

Abilities & Skills
I'm new to this whole 'adventure' thing so I don't know if I could say I have too many skills based on that.  I'm a mean cook though and no one could get a house cleaner or tend to people better than I could, let me tell you!  The local wildlife has been very kind to me in aiding me, mostly the birds though and I think Honk has something to do with that as well.

Senses & Survival
Umm, I have Honk for that?  I guess I'm pretty quick to react and I can just tell when things seem out of place.  I don't really know how helpful that is, but I get these uneasy feelings from time to time.  But when push comes to shove, boy can this girl scream for help!  Yup, I'd say that's pretty handy!

Limitations & Weaknesses
I guess being new to this whole 'adventuring' and 'combat' thing could be considered a weakness, at least by some.  I don't see how that will give me any issues though.  Oh, and I can't swim.  Shhhh, this may not make sense for 'the ugly duckling' but whatever, no one asked you anyway...

I was born as the Ugly Duckling, or so I was told by the woman that raised me.  She said that I was discovered in a woven basket in the lake near her home with a hastily written letter that said 'take this disgusting child, perhaps her hideousness will benefit you in the future'.  The woman was kind and beautiful, never aging a day while I was with her; then, one day, she just suddenly vanished.  She had taught me all that she could so in hopes of her return, I kept the house up nice and pretty.  I'm not sure how much time has passed but to this day she has yet to return.

It was during my childhood that I met Honk.  He was out with his family, you know, mama swan and the rest of her babies.  I would feed them daily and one day he just never went back into the water with his family.  They would come back to eat everyday but he ignored them for the most part.  He's stuck with me ever sense then, almost too close.  Then again, it is nice to have him chase the villagers away from the house when they decide to follow me.

My dream is to live my life in a way that would please my mother so that she'll come for me and take me back home.  You hear that mama?  Odette is going to make you proud so don't forget about her, ok?!  I'll become the best bl-  Oh, what?  Next topic?  Ok!

Let's see, anything else special?  Umm, hmm, well I can't write.  I was never taught that so don't ask.  Oh, but I can read in ancient and foreign script so if you need something translated ask me!  I'm also multi-ligual and I am rather convinced that one language must be swan because Honk does a wondrous job of replying and doing what I tell him to.

  • What roleplay theme you’re participating in.

    • unLucky 13
  • Who your partner(s) is.

    • Xavi
  • What location icon color you would like.

    • Not picky, wifey can pick
  • What title you would like for your roleplay.

    • Again, not picky, wifey can pick
  • And if it’s open/closed.  Meaning, can other people jump in and join it or is it a private one.  If it’s open, please tell us how many people (max) you want in the story.

    • Closed