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STELLA: Andromeda

Roleplay: "Mind Blown 1x1"

Player: Hiuknowme

Public,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Do you have some coffee? No? Then you're useless.



150 lb
Black hair
Violet Red eyes 
Ocular Implants
Auditory Implants
34 years of age


I'm a field agent. I'm trained in Fourth Generation MAM, can lie to everyone, save Capricorn, and am addicted to coffee. I don't usually go on field jobs anymore, though, because I'm also an expert hacker, and usually specialize in getting our agents where they need to be, be it a CEO's office or a bank vault. I can do both, technically, but prefer to be behind the PMB. You know, guiding our field agents. Away from possible death. 

Pet Peeve: Bad coffee. In other words, coffee with sugar, but without cream, or vise versa. 

Equipment / Abilities

I work through auditory guidance using ocular implants, alongside Capricorn. No, that doesn't mean I get along with him. I'm also an expert in hand to hand combat, and like to use whatever is handy as a weapon. I'm not very socially adept, however. I leave that to Capricorn.



Norma: http://i.brta.in/images/2013-04/2589e343b0f4b135266d8e6a93f997c5.jpg

Perseus: http://i602.photobucket.com/albums/tt101/Wolfmaster91/Decorated%20images/Cool_Scientist_105589_900x700theAnimeGallerycom.jpg