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STELLA: Capricorn

Roleplay: "Mind Blown 1x1"

Player: Hiuknowme

Public,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Shall we prance through the fears of your subconscious, and dally with your repressed memories? Oh yeesss



160 lb
Pale blonde hair
Cyan eyes
Ocular Implants
Auditory Implants
37 years of age

Criminal Profiler. 
Political Scientist.
Experimental Psychologist.

All of these may describe me, in your terms. In my words, I am an expert at minds. I thrill in the hunt, watching the smallest twitches most would miss, cataloging your every move.  I have never met anyone I have not been able to unravel. No one is protected from me, and no one can shield their mind.

No one is safe from me.

Equipment / Abilities

I work through ocular implants on all of our agents in STELLA, except for Norma. I watch everyone and can predict anyone's next move. When someone with brainpower and serious social skills is needed, I am sent. I have never failed a mission, nor have I ever been wrong. This is why I'm part of STELLA, and why I'm the irreplaceable one on the team.


Big boss man says that you're not allowed to know where I came from.
