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Roleplay: "Moonlight's Wolf Pack"

Player: Bridgetabee

Public,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Loose someone, I'm your girl.

Fur: Brown, red, coloring, long (looks exactly like picture)
Eyes: Pale Yellow
Build: Slender and lean

Kind, caring, patient, soft spoken, shy.

Equipment / Abilities
Skills: Great sense of smell.

Starlight has been in the pack since she was a pup, her parents joined when she was little, and she's been with it ever since. Eventually she became mates with Anubis and the two of them had a litter of three pups, now she is an elder and helps out when she is needed, usually watching pups in the pack.

Age: 5
Mate: Anubis
Pups: Shadow, Phoenix, Zoi
Family: Dead
Position: Elder