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Pin Gepetto [Pinocchio]

Roleplay: "Witch Hunters"

Player: AlexSilverX

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If you think morning wood's bad, you should see what I'm going through...

Hey, I'm Pinocchio, Pin for short. I know you'll find it hard to believe but for a time, I was made of real flesh and blood. Right now though, I'm made of wood. Again. I have brown hair... sorta. I'm 5'11" and 310lbs... Give me a break, I'm made of wood here. My eyes are blue. I haven't aged in a while, but I guess I'm a good... 28 years old or so... though I look around 19 and I'd say I'll probably still look that way if I become human again. Did I mention I'm made of wood? Because I'm basically a talking mannequin. Really good looking... made of wood... guy.

I'm a stoic. Not that I'm hiding my emotions or anything, I just can't change my bloody facial expression. I'm more of a cynic really. Not that you can blame me, becoming wood after knowing what it's like to be a real person is even worst than being wood and not knowing. Trust me, I would know. I try to look at the positive side of things but it's getting increasingly difficult with the years.

Equipment / Abilities

I'm made of wood, impervious to fire thanks to a coating my dad so thoughtfully put on me after an incident in my teenage years... Because I'm made of  heartwood, I don't have to worry about decaying or anything like that, so I can go into water and stuff of the likes. I have no real bodily functions since the fact I am alive is pretty much the work of magic, so I don't need to eat, rest, defecate or even breathe. At least that's something.


I was weaponized by a witch. I now have a blade hidden in my right arm and a cannon in the other. It got difficult to being used to but I make it work. My hands do most of my fighting though, since I'm so freakishly durable and... surprisingly strong. Thank god for magic, right?


I'm not COMPLETELY impervious to fire, just about as much as my coating allows it. I can survive what would cause a normal person first or second degree burns, but beyond that I burn, and I burn fast!

Also, I don't feel the touch of things, so if someone attacks me from behind, I won't even notice the first few blows unless they begin hindering my movements.

Gepetto, my dad, made me out of wood at first because his wive, my mom, died and they couldn't have a son. A white witch heard his pleas for a child and BOOM! Walking wooden dummy! She wasn't strong enough to turn me into a real boy, which I really wanted, so we went on an adventure. Long story short; got swallowed by a whale and came out in an unpleasant way stranded from everything we knew. However, we stumbled upon a white witch whom obliged our wishes. For a time, I was a real boy!

...which lasted ten years. Nine years ago, my father died and I was returned to my wooden state by a witch. Apparently, since I was made of wood to begin with and imbued with magic, I made for the perfect magical slave. She weaponized me, did horrifying things to break the influence of the white witch, but I conserved my conscience and managed to escape. Now? I'm just trying to be a human again, I've been trying for the past nine years.
