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Scarlet Bricks(Rouge)

Roleplay: "World Of wheel"

Player: MoonWishes

Public,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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The unheard Royal.


Age: 17
Physical appearance: Blond, thin figure, tall and heterochromia one eye blue the other yellow. 
Occupation: Student
Nationality: European 
Nickname: Scar 
Royal title: The unheard 

She is very calm due to her heritage but sometimes will get mad at people who say she is weird, she sometimes helps Miss Wo so she is called Miss Wo's pet, Ironically  Miss Wo is a cat. 
She is also a very cheerful person when she wants to be.  She likes to make friends so drop by and talk to her. 

Equipment / Abilities

She carries a red sword around, no one has seen her use it so know on knows if she can use it properly. 
She likes to say that her wisdom is her weapon. 

She is from the royal family but denies it because of what happened to Mercury. 
She is the second inline after her sister Crystal she has a feeling that she will inherit the throne because her sister has a illness that  can take her life.
She came to Pi village when she was 13 she has loved it ever since she treats Miss Wo as her mother.  She attends the prestigious academy Aqua located 10 km west from the village of Pi. There she takes classes with the pseudonym Scarlet Rouge so that know one will know she is from the royal family. 
Her reason for coming to Pi is still known lots say its to escape her auntie Mercury who has her eyes set on her. 
