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Bridget Louise Sparks

Roleplay: "Skewed Clocks"

Player: goldenecho

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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i seem to be a little lost..ok WAY lost. can you fix time machines? ^^;

Long red curly\messy hair
one blue eye and one brown eye
beauty mark under her brown eye (left eye)
Silver star pin and necklace
Short white and silver skort (NOT SKIRT)
black jacket with blue stripes that drapes off one shoulder
Light blue tank top
White sneakers
blue bands on some of her hair

kind,but hot headed.
she ALWAYS does what she wants WHEN she wants
no sense of direction whatsoever
often forgets to think before speaking or acting
Can hold her own in a fight
Doesn't understand her fathers time machine AT ALL

Equipment / Abilities
very handy with technology (other then time machines and cars)
good at punching and other short ranged defense and attack things
Quick thinker

Bridget Sparks was the only daughter of a famous scientist in the year 2097. her father was,until recent advents,working on a time machine.
curiosity quite literally killed the cat in this situation,as she decided to take a peek inside the unfinished machine,she accidentally press a button and sent her self back in time to 1914,breaking the machine in the progress.
now shes pretty dang lost.
