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Roleplay: "The unwanted (Restarted)"

Player: devenv

Public,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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"fuck off i dont need your shit in my life"


Name: Aalijah

Age: 17

he has black and red hair with black eyes. he is 6'1 and very slim.

he dose not talk to his family so knows nothing about them.


He is cocky

He has trust issues

He is arragent

He is not very social


Equipment / Abilities

When in human form he can make a anyone turn of there emotions and have no feeling at all

When in fallen angle form he can summon upon any mythical creature and as many as we wants.

He dose not  like to talk about it.


He was two swords that only he can carry and if anyone tries to use them their hands will be burned off in seconds.