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Dewayne Jones

Roleplay: "The Ultimate Weapon"

Player: Gothika Horrifica Knight

Public,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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The Greedy Admiral General

Dewayne is 6'6" with hatred in his heart and soul. He wears all black clothes and has black hair. he wears a long black trench coat, black pants, gloves, shoes and belt. he carries a sword with him and two guns at the most. He also wears a cross on his neck and his skin is somewhat pale. He is slightly muscular and knows how to hold his own.

Dewayne carries a lot of hate and he isn't afraid to show it. He loves to use his power over all and show is dominance over everyone in the building. He rarely shows kindness and he shows little to no compassion for the Novas he takes and torments. he does show respect to his younger brother, who is also his guard around the compound. 

Equipment / Abilities

Age: 54
Gender: Male
Rank in army: Admiral General
Bio: Dewayne Jones has been in charge of the Nova project for many years. Even since the first Nova was born, they have been using them ever since. Many of the Nova has tried to escape and each attempt failed ending in death. Dewayne is proud and hates the Novas with a passion, he believes they aren't human and that they were put on this earth to serve their human superiors. Dewayne use to be a happy man with a beautiful wife and expecting to make a child. However, something went horribly wrong and his wife died but the baby, his daughter lived. But he didn't like her, for she had horns coming out of her head, thus the Nova Project was created. It is rumored that Dewayne killed his daughter by drowning her in a tub of water. However, no one knows that Dewayne Jones gave his daughter a fate worse than death...he made his only child, Mina Mirabella, the 'Queen' of the Nova Project and forced her into these horrible test designed by him.

Dewayne knows some Russian. He is also labeled to be insane but everyone is too scared to report him but they fear he will try to kill them.