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Michael Cra "Master"

Roleplay: "The WTF Multiverse"

Player: Michael Cra

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Blessed and cursed warrior who has had many deaths.

6 feet (182 cm) tall
Green Eyes
Light Brown Hair
Birth Date November 11th 833 AD
Looks in his early 20's, with a full beard looks late 20's early 30's

He has a distinct scar, what was once 3 large gashes across his face from his left temple to his right cheek. From the look of the scar he should not have a left eye but he does. Depending on the age he is from and his age there are 4 different styles and 7 personalities.

Young: Will help people in need out but he looks like a bum and he does not care how bad he gets hurt or killed. The only thing he cares about is his quest, he carries a sword wrapped in thick Cloth.

Possessed: Looks the same as “Young Cra” or “Mature Cra” on rare occasions, but the personality is random. ((it can only happen when Cra is weak willed or has a weak mind and is holding his sword, there is one other way but I’ll leave that as a Secret unless someone figures it out then I’ll mention them. ^_^))

Mature: He will still help anyone in need of help but he takes better care of himself now, he has hair down to his shoulders but he normally puts it in a ponytail and he has a full beard now, where his scar is his beard is white. He carries a sword in a wooden scabbard on his back, he is still on his quest but more determined and confident now.

Master: Will go out of his way to Help people out who are in need or he think are in need, he has Trimmed up his hair and his full beard he dresses like any normal person would as far as anyone can tell. He carries what appears to be a wooden sword on his back. Every day he feels like he is closer to completing his quest already a few times completing it has just slipped through his fingers.

Avenged: It is the same as “Master Cra” but he has finished his quest and has a rude awakening and now has a new Accessory..... I guess you could say. ((anti magic armor its Complicated if I RP this version I’ll explain it.))

Consumed: Secret!! It can only happen under specific circumstances ((it can only happen with “Avenged Cra” but if you up for a good fight try and make it happen but be warned if you do and it is allowed in the RP you may die any damage already done to Cra has no meaning in fact helps this Process. [That is your only hint] also if you manage to do it I’ll give you kudos because no one has ever done it.))

2027- End of World
Old Man: He will still help anyone in need but if they refuse his offer he will not go to any extra effort, he has dyed his hair grey and white and puts in the extra effort to act like an old man because he is almost 1500 years old, he has even found a way to change his voice to sound like an old man. He has an adopted daughter who is already grown up married and has kids. He even has his own city full of guardians for hire, he explores for fun when he is not needed at home, he carries a wooden sword on his back or his side sometimes tied to random places of his body like a piece of clothing.

For the most part he is easy going and it doesn't take much to make him smile or laugh.
He is a Closet Pervert (Old Man Cra is more of an open pervert but mostly in a joking sense) but around women he is always eager to become someone’s White Knight.
He helps out anyone who needs it because he feels a lot of responsibility on his shoulders for what has happened in his past but he can become very serious if there is any mention of demons in fact he can become down Right aggressive about it until he finishes his quest.

His sword has an Angel in it and after time Michael and the Angel (Syer) have learned to switch control over.

Now Syer is very blunt and straight forward he would soon kill then go to the hassle of arresting someone, he likes to fight and if he doesn't like someone he will start a fight just for his own fun. He has spent many years trapped so he does not care for too much nonsense.

Equipment / Abilities
Cra Died when he was 20 but he was brought back to life through the power of God on the condition that he can't come back to heaven until the end of the world. Later he found out this means he can't die his body regenerates its self but not instantly. He can force it to heal fast almost instantly but soon after he is totally drained of all his strength, if he is fataly wounded he will die but honestly it is just a "death coma" as soon as his body regenerates to where the body is livable he wakes up but still weak.

He has a sword made of unworldly Material Which he finds out the sword itself is an angel, the sword gives Michael the ability to take powers that an angel would have strength speed and make him able to summon wings out of his back which he finds out is very painful. The sword also has drawbacks, the angel inside the sword spent thousands of years alone in the sword with no action no bloodshed, after all the people who tried to use him were either worthless or couldn't use him because of their evil ways he became enraged, and learned how to throw his essence on to whoever touched him at first it was to escape and claim a new body but when he did this is only sucked the person inside the sword as well. By the time Michael Claimed the sword hundreds of minds were already inside the sword and they lashed out at him, he became overwhelmed and found that each part of his body was being controlled differently until the Angel came forward and forced them all back. ((Secretly Syer found this Amusing watching his body twitch and jerk in all different directions so at times he would release them when Michael Cra was in a state he found weak.))

Later Cra Discovered from Syer that through using the sword he could Meld his Aura to his own will, and be it through his acts or his rebirth his Aura was holy which made it an even better weapon vs Demons. After years of using Syer (his sword/angel) the power from the sword and Syer Merged with Cra to where he no longer had to hold the sword with his bare hands to summon any of the powers or Syer himself.


Well now that i think of It before I get called BS on my "Aura Melding" powers lets go into detail how they work.
But first story time!!! ((how the evolution of it came about))
"Young Cra" could not even use it with out Syer taking over, which normally didn't have good results, for Cra at least.

"Mature Cra" was only able to bend his aura slightly at first he could make a shield like Barrier or push people with it for the most part and it did not look refined it was in fact ugly when he used it. It took him several years to get past that until he learned to meld it right, he could make Large shield like dome/bubble's or hold people with it and even longer to learn to move with it, and centuries past before he could he could use it like i will explain in detail and still only Syer could use it too its full Extent.

"Master Cra" could use it as well as Syer with little differences in the style of it, but to the full Effect I will explain Below.

First of all it is Michael Cra's aura so in essence it can only effect what is inside of it or in range of it, the first part of it's use is being forced into a physical form through his will when it becomes solid the aura looks like water floating through the air the baring of the person affects the color, when Michael Cra uses this its color is a light yellowish gold.

The second part is forcing the aura outward expanding it past himself to his surroundings. At first it took a lot of Cra's focus to do this part. It was harder to do this then give it a physical form but as he practiced and practiced after centuries it became constant and not even second thought to him like breathing, if one could see aura's they would see Cra's aura from half a mile away.

Third is Shaping the aura this step was easy for Cra at first he simply covered objects with his aura and had it keep the shape after the Object was removed then make it solid after holding images longer and longer and not making them solid lead to him being able to make the objects out of his aura with out the original item being there at all.
((now i want to clarify something No he is not a Green Lantern he doesn't have a ring that gives him power or something silly like that and he can't use his aura to make guns that shoot or explosions what ever is made out of his aura is just that his aura it is solid where he makes it solid but it is still connected to him. It would have no effect if he made a gun it would just look like a gun made out of shinny water floating in air with out a mechanism of force it will not do anything If he made a Bow and Arrow yes he could shoot an Arrow made out of his aura but that goes into the next step the hardest step.))

Fourth is severing the aura, Michael Cra was 878 years old before he got this down. Severing a part of the aura is the hardest step and at first was very time consuming and took all of Cra's focus to do and after he did it would instantly vanish, after his first success at severing he didn't even realize what happened so he ended up doing the same thing for days until Syer decided to inform him he was stupid. That it vanishes because it is cut off from the "power Source" and told him to Focus as much of it into one area. Soon after that Cra went into a coma for a day while he regenerated his aura after focusing all of it in to one spot then holding it like a giant ball for a second before he collapsed.
Let me give you an example one of the moves Syer loves to do is forcing a lot of aura onto his sword and then releasing it in a "wave/slash of death" you could say, in essence he starts making the aura physical as he swings while thrusting the aura he is making physical forward fast and then severs it from the rest of the aura so it keeps shooting past its Limits. So what he is doing in all is making the tip of the sword physical but because of the amount of aura that is on one point it is not instant and since he is slicing/swinging the sword it makes it into a wave that is shot forwards but the second it is severed from Cra's body and the rest of the aura, it begins to fade rapidly depending on the amount of aura put into it, it can last half a second to 3 seconds but as all my over powered moves are it has a down side the amount it takes to do that slice once for half a second it reduces Cra's aura by 10% and will take most Syer or Cra's focus to do this.
and there you go that is how aura Melding works!
(( If someone ever decides they want to role one of the Guardians from Old Man Cra's City Let me know because there are so many other Skills and moves and a few rules, its just Cra only uses swords because that is what he likes to use.))