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[Faction]Blackwield Empire

Roleplay: "Nations of Fantasy"

Player: AlexSilverX

Public,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Prince Pan Eick
Darwinist Hierarchy
Dominant Race
Winglings: A race of extinct elves and bird siren hybrids who enjoy the wings of one, the wit of the other and the beauty of both. Though they are originally a bastard race, they grew so large in number that they are now considered a young race. Cultured, they lack in physical endurance but more than make up for it in other domains. 
The gods of pleasures: The winglings of Blackwield believe that life is a time to prove yourself so that you may join the festivities eternal upon death. When a Wingling is indulging, he is actually worshipping his gods. Thanks to this Winglings directly corellate celebration with religion and thank their gods for every opportunity to perform a festive act.
Political Strength
 The Winglings' strong belief in evolution, which is the nature of their very existence, drives them to respect the strongest of their kind and do not question the rulings of their lord for the most part. The political might of an individual is proportionate to his physical strength, so very few 
Economic Tier
2nd Tier
Food: 3 
Wealth: 4 
Faith: 2
Food: 30,000
Gold: 40,000
Info: 20,000
Major Cities
500,000 last national census
Population Happiness
 The people are generally pleased, given that they recognize the higher classes and leaders tend to have been placed in their positions because they earned it through skill and ability. This also enthuses them as they imagine themselves or their children being able to achieve social mobility.
Army Morale
5,000 Pikesmen
5,000 Light Cavalry
5,000 Archers
1,000 Crossbowmen
50 Windmasters
10 Falcons
5000 Horses
Siege Weapons
1 Trebuchets
3 Catapults
10 Cogs 
3 War Galleys
Unique Unit
Appearance: (The color yellow is actually black and the blue varies between individuals.). 
Functionality: All Wingling generals are Windmasters, but not all windmasters are generals. To par with the Wingling's inherent physical weakness and the sensibility of their wings, Windmasters are almost entirely covered in obsidian armor, ornamented with a skirt with their family's colors and wield swords that are constructed in such a way that the wind offers no resistance. Their production is costly, but they are effectively the tank of Wingling units, taking massive amounts of damage before their armor can even begin to shatter and dealing blows of their enchanted swords which can cleanly serrate rock and bone like any other sword would butter and flesh.  

Emperor Pan Eick

Equipment / Abilities
  • Flight
  • Stamina
  • Slow-aging (population natural death has a slower rate)
  • Magical affiliation (wind)
  • Beast affiliation (winged beasts)
  • Light (a vehicle can carry 20% more winglings than any other race).
  • Offensive Expertise

  • Low physical endurance
  • No swimming capacity
  • Poor democratic ability (not used to other races and their customs)

The history of the nation of Blackwield is a long and difficult tale which predates the origins of its current people 3 millenniums ago. 

Foundation of Blackwield
Blackwield was founded as an high elven nation at a time before times by King Asharoth Therwick the 1st, the elvens had a healthy relation with some human kingdoms, governed over the elven tribes of the north which - granted their ill endurance for such weather - where few and their territory was more than plentiful for their numbers. The nation of Blackwield, though it chose to strike fear in the eyes of onlookers with their banner and phonetically wicked name were in truth relatively peaceful and were much more fond of knowledge and culture than battle and war. Fruitful and independant, the Blackwieldian people saw no need to interact with those of other nations and did very little of such. Because of this, precious little about Blackwield figures in the history books of other nations. What was their fortune unfortunately came to be their doom, as the Blackwieldians became in-breeders. Many stillborns and deformed children came to the world, the deformed - due to the ancient elven cult of beauty - were slain at a very young age and some who were deformed only from within died before they could reach adulthood. Five thousand years ago, a saying came to pass; "Of five Blackwieldborn, only 1 comes of age". The nation's population grew old and few. With age came incapacity and with incapacity came untended crops. Sometimes, even the few young and healthy succumbed to starvation and before long Blackwield was doomed to fall. 
Birth of the Winglings
A Blackwieldian fisherman, during one of his many fishing trips, heard the enticing song of a Siren. It is known that Sirens are malevolent creatures of great beauty who take pleasure in using their hypnotic songs to summon sailors to their dooms. However when the elf arrived, she saw in him such beauty that she instead took flight and brought him to an island where they mated. From this union came a son, the first winged elf, who would come to be known as the wingling. 
Rise of the Winged ones
The ruler of the time, Asharoth Therwick the ninth, heard tale of the winged child and had him and his father brought to court. There, he asked the sailor to give him the tale of the child's birth. Hearing the story, noticing that the child was healthy, he had his people sail out on countless ships in the direction the fisherman had. They were met with the songs of the Sirens, followed them, and as the fisherman before them were brought to an island upon which they mated. Time passed, children were borned and the winglings became the bulk of elven youth. Many times this ritual continued until eventually 80% of the people of Blackwield were winged. By the time this took place, Lord Jeoffrey Therwick the fourth was ruler. The population grew and grew, to such an extend that in-breeding would no longer be a problem thanks to the diversity. Bloodlines began, incest became a crime punishable by death and the health of the winglings was assured.
Rise to Power
The winged ones shared the long lives of elven born and thousands of years passed. The few surviving elves came to call themselves the "noble born" and saw themselves superior to the winglings. Because of this, winglings became the working force in a kingdom lead by decrepit elders and like any other slave race they rebelled. Out of the fantastic bloodshed, Ealestor Nylokiss - the hero who'd slain the last elf king - proclaimed "We are an evolved and grand people, we are the winged ones, we are the strong who have prevailed, the weak lost the throne to us, the throne belongs to the strong!" and ever since, power was not a thing that ran through families, but a thing earned by proving oneself worthy. There were no low-borns or high-borns, all that remained was a race of proud, winged elves, who believe actions speak louder than words or titles. 
The reign of Pan Eick
But like all rulers Ealestor grew old and as his time of passing came, a tournament was held to decide the next ruler. The ten strongest winglings, women and men alike, took part in a conflict which lasted three days. From this conflict rose Pan Eick, the new and current ruler of Blackwield. Pan Eick opened Blackwield to the rest of the world and began militarizing the winglings. This was four hundred years ago. 
