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Ben Turner

Roleplay: "Mental Hospital For The Sane"

Player: ArtNightshade

Public,   Enabled,   Pending,   Owned

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No one takes away my tradition


Short, 5'4, brown hair, grey eyes, slim, light skin



Dark, cunning, menacing, cannibalistic, insane, both a sadist and masochistic, and has an obsession with homemade cookies and will kill those who believe in only buying them

Equipment / Abilities

Any equipment that is used in the kitchens and sometimes, rope and/or electric cord

At ten years old, he murdered his step-mother cold blood for stating nasty things about making homemade cookies when they should just buy them. Having a complete obsession with homemade cookies, he killed his mother and with her flesh and blood, made cookies of his own and shared them with his family. For four straight years his family lived through the horror and intelligence of Ben, afraid of him. He now is the youngest staff member of the hospital, he can act like he's your best friend until it's time for your sanity to go bye bye. Though he's in the hospital, that doesn't mean he'll stop making cookies out of you


A/N: I'm using a character from my story and if your interested in reading his story, here is the link

