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Sasha Blackwield

Roleplay: "Hell Games"

Player: AlexSilverX

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Thrill-seeking stoic.

Nickname: Sasha
Age: 20
Sex: Male
Orientation: Straight
Race: Moon-child
Height: 6'0"
Motivation: Adventure

Likes: Thrills, the moon, darkness, sweet foods, music, crows (and other black animals), poetry, white clothes
Dislikes: excessive light, new moons, salty foods, dogs, rap, tv.

Due to his nature as a moon-child, Sasha is particularly sensitive to the influences of the moon and has intense, raw emotional bursts. Because of this, he is almost addicted to the thrill an adrenalin rush grants him and has to keep his emotions constantly in check, giving the impression of stoicism. In truth, he is a very emotional being with a good poker face. Because he constantly struggles to keep himself in check, he only talks when addressed or the situation appears to call for it. 

Equipment / Abilities
  • Jumper: This character can move diagonally and pass (but not diagonally) over 1 tile wide gaps.
  • Berzerker: A berzerker gains +1 ATK for each item held. Additionally, if a character attempt to block a berzerker's attack, the damage of the attack is doubled.
  • HP: 3
  • Stamina: 3
  • Recovery: 1
  • Attack: 3
  • Speed: 3

A legend tells that children born on the night of the first full moon are born of the moon itself, their hair is dark as a raven, their skin white as snow. Following this, Sasha is either a moon-child, or the reincarnation of snow white. Being born under such circumstances, Sasha was granted an androgynous beauty, innate knowledge of ethereal concepts, night vision and prodigious athletic talent. As such, he took to escalating mountains - instinctively attracted to the moon - since he was a child and has grown very fond of the pure light which emanates from it. Also like moon-children however, Sasha possesses a very strong contact with his emotions which sometimes dominates him and is particularly sensitive to the thrills received by adrenalin. It is in search of such a rush that he enters the hell games. 

He is left handed.