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Roleplay: "Mind Blown 1x1"

Player: Kyoko Chie

Public,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Im not mad I've just gone round the bend once or twice, my dear Alice.

My my that curious are we? Hmmm... Well if you plan to stay in wonderland I guess that you should know. I'm a very lovely person.
Hatter has short raven colored hair         
Oh I must ask you something!!!! Why is a raven like a writing desk? Hmmmm? Bet you don't know the answer to that one! 
 Hatter has dark, almost blood color, red eyes
Hatter always wears a white dressy shirt with a red vest and a black and red hat. Hatter also wears a tie.

MAD! She is as mad as it gets. She loves her tea more than anything in the world. Well except for Alice. She is kind, caring, and is really good at throwing tea cups at people.

Equipment / Abilities
Her tea pot and tea cups


Hatter’s past wasn't what you’d expect. Her past Began with her birth on June 17th 1891. She had an average childhood until a traumatic event changed her life. On November 16th 2001 Hatter went through some peculiar changes. Her eyes turned red and her skin paled from its original olive tone to the peachy color she is now. Her parents accused her of being an evil spirit and disowned her. Later on in 2003 her family was killed in a train accident.

Now she has found herself with the new identity of the Hatter and forgetting all about her past.
