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Lou Cypher

Roleplay: "Journey of the Forgotten"

Player: AlexSilverX

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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"Some people just wanna watch the world burn... and those people pay well."

Lou Cypher
J.O.A.T. Mercenary

Darkly humorous, 

Those and many other words are euphemisms for Lou's personality which can be best described as "plain messed up"On a scale of madness going from 0 to 10, Lou easily lands an 11 and his lunacy is dwarfed only by his opportunistic nature. Nothing is above or below him and if money doesn't justify the job then the kicks he'll get out of it will.
While he can be trusted to take on any job, being the mercenary that he is, the purely massive collateral damage that ensues ensures his employers are either downright evil or just as crazy as he is. While some can definitely disagree with his methods however, none can do the same with his results. 

On a social level, he is difficult to deal with at best, his darkly sadistic sense of humor, flippant attitude and cocky behavior make him far from the ideal friend, but he isn't inherently evil as difficult as it may be to believe. Lacking in morals and trigger happy though he is, he doesn't actively purchase new victims like a serial killer and he has a strange liking to people who can respond to him with the same kind of attitude he displays. "Gutsy is the new classy" is his motto.

Equipment / Abilities
The Tickers: A pair of fully automatic pistols with extended chargers for rapid excessive firing of .500 caliber rounds. A single bullet to the temple is more than enough to blow your cranium off, but the kickback is such that precision aiming just isn't an option.
Reaper: A vierling (4 barrel) gun with three shotgun 12 gauge cannons making a fan above a single rifle .500 cannon. Thanks to the wide variety of rounds this weapon can shoot (buckshots, slugs, frag-12s, screechers, tazers, etc.) it is by far Lou's most lethal and devastating weapon, but it's size makes it unwieldy and so he only brings it on "hardcore" jobs. 
Impaler: A 2 foot long metal stake with a leather handle, by its nature it is primarily a piercing weapon, but also makes for an effective bludgeon and - being thicker than a blade - has much more negligible chances of breaking. The fact it requires no sharpening, fits in a coat sleeve and makes a nice sloshing sound when you drive it into someone's rib cage is just bonus.
Explosives: Good old fashioned explosives, Lou carries a wide range of "splodey" ranging from but not limited to C4, dynamite, trigger bombs and mines.
Barbed Bike Chain: Why not? 
Pocket Watch (silver)
Music Player
Lunacy related
Virtually infinite pain tolerance (even if you do hurt him, he'll end up enjoying it)
Inhuman stamina (don't try to outrun him)
Intimidation & Fear immunity (you can't freak him out more than the things in his head do)
Schizophrenic intuition (he hears voices... and they usually turn out to be right, working like a sixth sense)
Training Related
230 pound Grip
600 pound max lifting weight
35mph running speed
Unpredictable fighting style incorporating Drunken Monkey Kung Fu, Boxing, Kempo, some Break Dancing moves and plain old Brawling
Mercenary training
Perfect aim
Training with several weapons
First aid basics
Race Related
Shadow manipulation
Darkness lurking
Soul Theft Empowerment (limited to the dead)
Vampiric healing (via skin contact) 

WIP (will develop over the course of the RP)
