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Jenna Malts

Roleplay: "The Experiments"

Player: PrincessofScorchingFlame

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Pfft... Petty robberies and gang violence. Look at us! We should be preventing REAL tragedies...

Jenna has long brown hair and gray-blue eyes. She only stands at about 5'2" and expectantly petite. Her clothes consist of dresses, knee high leather boots and flowers she crafts out of just about anything she can get her hands on.

Jenna is the kind of person who thinks their powers are gifts. Being the self-righteous kind of person she is, she even wishes they could do even more than they do with their powers. Because of this ideal she has a hard time getting along with experiment who see their powers as a burden. Jenna is also rebellious when she thinks that they could be doing more and will try to do things like "save the day" on her own. But, despite the quirks and her hero complex she tries to be friendly to everyone when she needs to be, otherwise she tries to stay out of everyone's way.
Jenna enjoys reading and can often be seen carrying around a book she found in a thrift store or other strange places people abandon books. When she is reading it can be hard to get her attention with anything short of an emergency.

Equipment / Abilities
Jenna's has the ability to go back and forth through time, though how far she is limited too she does not know yet being the ninth and most recent of the experiments. Her time travelling ability also allows her to take someone with her but that's still hard for her to do.

Jenna had a fairly normal and boring life she wasted away reading books. She had a drunken mother, an estranged father, a genius older sister, and annoying little brother. Then there was her. The middle child. The forgotten child. She wasn't special, or smart, or the baby anymore. Just the ignored one wishing there was something more to her life. To be the daughter of someone rich and important, to be a cyborg police officer, maybe even a fairy princess. Anything but where she was. That's when Dr. Adande's men swooped her up from the street on the way to school and forced (not really) the brown pill down her throat. There she was, Experiment 9.
