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Roleplay: "The Experiments"

Player: ArtNightshade

Public,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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I am no hero, I am a rat

Stands at 5'11, blue eyes and black hair, average looking and with 6 pack of abs. Dante is the 8th experiment of Dr. Adande thus his pill is Red. His powers are, super speed, super strength, and rapid regeneration.


Kind and generous but has a nasty temper and aggression when pushed to the limit. He tends to speak his mind and state the obvious when can. When saving a citizen or the world, he tends to use himself as a human shield to protect those who needed his help. Though he can regenerate his wounds rapidly, he is not immortal or vulnerable, he can be killed.

Equipment / Abilities
Super speed, super strength, and rapid regeneration

Born in Florida, he loved nothing more than to surf or take a ride on his jet ski. When he was captured by Dr. Adande's men, they forced the Red pill down thus no longer naming him Dante but of the color pill given to him, Red. He has a younger sister and their relationship are more father and daughter than brother and sister.
