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Arthur Morose

Roleplay: "Turn Of The Century"

Player: OyaDante

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Repent, sinner!

Thirteenth Century Wardrobe: Wavy, curly, orange/ginger hair. Hazel eyes. Brown cloak, white priest robes, leather boots. Kneader staff, blue/green gem secured safely to staff. Shepherd satchel, full of herbs and other medicinal products. Don't be surprised, he never has the holy cross on his person.

Modern Century Wardrobe: Blue and white spade patterned vest/sweater. White dress shirt under it. Big glasses, bold black frame. Black dress pants and oxford shoes. 

Arthur is generally a passive character. He is quiet, friendly and approachable. He is a little shy in more amorous situations. He is a bit of a preacher's son, muttering for atonement and repent. He frequently prays. Arthur has a very diverse view on his religion. 
Arthur is often baffled or bemused. He is always curious, and sticks his nose where it shouldn't be. This brings much misfortune to him. 
He is a very driven man, going to great lengths to achieve whatever his desire may be. Arthur takes praise with a humble demeanor. Above all, Arthur loves those close to him. 

Equipment / Abilities
  • Capable of healing/mending with a kneader staff.
  • Incantations of light magic (Holy magic) 
  • Resurrection (This is a temporary mode that he is slowly improving on. Resurrection either takes from a life source, giving it limited time and power, or requires a full sacrifice. A very dangerous magic, feared by the church and society) 
  • Dragons Scale/Tear ... (You'll see ... ) 

Arthur grew up in a peasant ranked home. His family was much more fortunate in harvest and was well liked by their lord. He was raised in a home with caring parents as an only child. He ate and drank well too, according to peasant living standards. Arthur was admitted to a seminary at the age of sixteen, and was later donned as a priest in low rankings. Due to his low ranking as a priest, Arthur was able to slip away from the seminary in his free times, where he later encountered the appalled art of magic. Despite this act being forbidden and frowned upon, Arthur atoned outside of confession and agreed with himself and the Lord, that he would use magic for the better of the people. 

He continued this in secrecy for many years. At the age of nineteen, Arthur sought out the long forgotten, ancient dragon of myth. Stories from the elder bishop, filled him with divine wonder. He felt that if he found this dragon, he could learn eons of knowledge in apprenticeship. Arthur journeyed the mountains and forests of Europe for another three and a half years. Finally, he found what appeared to be an injured woman. Putting his healing capabilities to use, he was able to save her from a long and ill death. The lady was so grateful she rewarded him with a wooden kneader staff. At the top, a peculiar stone was securely fastened in twines of copper. The woman explained it was the tear of a dragon, Disbelief crossed Arthur's face and he broke out into an excited burst. 

The lady fearfully latched onto Arthur and he was surprised to hear the shouts of angry men behind him. Defenseless and unable to wield a weapon, he and the woman were forced to succumb to the men, who claimed the lady of witchcraft and foul sins. Arthur explained that he was a priest and that he had healed her. Unfortunately for him, he was smashed in the head with a blunt object and tossed to the side. Fuzzily, he watches the lady mutter an incantation and he undergoes a huge wave of nausea and blinded vision. When he opens them, he is no longer in thirteenth century Europe.  

Arthur is extremely diverse and open in his religion.