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Martin Cooper

Roleplay: "Guns of Camelot"

Player: enkerzed

Public,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Forge hogger, fire lover, Gunsmith

Large and ugly, and 48 years old. He's got a few scars here and there, some the result of work related accidents, some the result of bar room brawls, and some the result of a mix of both. He's also about as fat as he's muscled, which is to say a lot.

Apathetic, cynical, terse, happily unpleasant and generally fond of getting in another person's way, Martin is about as ugly on the inside as he is on the outside. He will treat apprentices as slaves, colleagues as walking sacks of meat, and considers the provocation of hostility and complaints as entertainment, but towards the Merlin, he is simply obedient. Although highly aware of his flaws, he does not care in the slightest bit and, on top of everything, he has an obsession with fire, particularly from a forge. When not revelling in petty vices, Martin is most happy at work, but avoids administrative duties whenever he can help it. Such tasks would be delegated to assistants and apprentices. His only positive attributes would have to be his dedication to his work (all the practical side of it anyway) and his genius level ability of learning.

Equipment / Abilities
Highly talented with fire magic, gunsmithing, blacksmithing and arm wrestling. His weapon enchantments are almost exclusively fire based, and his skill with using the crystal ball in the wizard's tower is such that he is able to use pyrokinesis over great distances through scrying.

Started out as a blacksmith in some small town, became a Gunsmith apprentice at 25 and a Gunsmith in his own right by 31. Has been working as one of the Merlin's personal assistants ever since.
