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bud danles

Roleplay: "noir city"

Player: iambrowncoat

Public,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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the mafia arnt the law i am


bud is tall but not too tall and well bult a smoker by habbit bud keeps a cigareat behind his ear at all time  he keeps his hair cut short so no one can grab it in a fight and  he never backs down once hes on a case


bud is a hard knock type of cop  who is not afread to  use a phone book to get a confeshon whine needed and will  do anything to get the five famlys for what happend to his wife .  not realy a drunk but a drink lover bud consoders himself a true irishmen

Equipment / Abilities
bud wares a three pice suit and carrys and 9mm pistole and a 12 gadge pump action shot gun  for doing the most damige to mobsters

a good cop bud tryed to stop the mob by the book  wich ended up geting his wife killed whine the mafia blew up his  home trying to kill him loseing his wife bud fell into drinking and will do anything to get back at the  mob and the  five famlys for what they did to his famly
