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alex (ace) clubs

Roleplay: "The Coming Darkness"

Player: iambrowncoat

Public,   Enabled,   Pending,   Owned

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i have never been much of a joiner but ill fight if i think somethings worth fighting for

tall but not too tall with long black hair  and  slumps and sloches alot


 a loner  what most would call a reable without a cause do to his past  . not the first to make friands but  will  join a cause if he thinks its worth it

Equipment / Abilities

has masterd fire spells and some dark magic but is week aganst water and light spells   and has a paire of black fingerless gloves with a spell that lets him handle fire without  burning his hands

the son of a black magic master  alex is often seen as a bad person or and  thinks of himself as a outcast not knowing hes just miss understood whine the school went public he didnt know what  to think and most of  the time still dosint as he has not made up his mind wether or not its a good thing that people know about the school  he wares his hair over one eye to hid a scare   that he got from his father as a child and wants more than anything not to be like his father but to be his own person
