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Nagatou Yorishirou

Roleplay: "Clockwork Fragments"

Player: Aleyn

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Ice; "I got my values... so you can keep yours, alright? Now fuck off."

Nineteen-year-old Yorishirou lives up to his name as "the White Dragon of Iwatodai" not only in his behaviour but also his appearance. He'll never tell anyone whether his shock of straight silvery-white hair is natural or bleached (for the record, it's natural), but the frost blue of his eyes are very natural, as is the seemingly perpetual scowl on his face. For a while he's kept his surprisingly soft hair long enough to reach the nape of his neck, and his bangs choppy and in his face for the sole purpose of pissing off the teachers. Recently, however, he has restyled his hair and did a light dye job, giving it a streaked fringe the same colour as his eyes.

As expected of a fellow who is physically active, Yorishirou's one hundred ninety-one centimetre (six foot three) frame is lean and corded with toned muscle. Surprisingly, he is noticeably paler than many of his teammates, though he accounts for his pallid complexion with the excuse, "I don't tan or burn." His hands are faintly calloused from breakdancing and track, his finger pads more so due to his guitar, though he is using tabs more frequently. Occasionally, when he has been working on his mural, he will have flecks of dry paint that didn't wash out completely.

When wearing his school uniform, Yorishirou's is always slightly rumpled as if it had been through a strong gale or seen a fight or two. He has all but forgone the ribbon, wears the winter jacket open, and his dress shirt always has two or three buttons undone. In the spring and autumn, he will wear the sleeves rolled up. Casual clothing for him is very monochromatic, with the occasional hints of blue hues. His style is distinctly "street" clothes, playing into his gangster/punk impression.

Accessories follow the same colour and style scheme as his clothes, replacing white with silver. Yorishirou has pierced his ears in multiple places, having two cartilege and two lobe piercings on his right ear, while his left ear is pierced thrice on his lobe and once on the cartilege. His jewellery will change on a whim, though he is never without his silver dragon necklace. A few months ago, he has had a tattoo inked onto his face: two simple black bars forming an L shape over his left eye.

Anyone meeting Yorishirou for the first time would be hard-pressed to find anything to really like about the fellow beyond his appearance. Foul-mouthed and ill-tempered, he isn't the friendliest of people, and though not really one to talk, is openly hostile to others when they try to initiate conversation with him. There is a very lone-wolf feel to him, as he tends to take a backseat on occurrences around him and let people do what they want, unless it is something that is directly influencing him. At that point, he will make a point to push others away and tell them to bugger out of his business.

Dig a little deeper and soon one will realize that his prickly exterior is just a front, a defensive tactic that Yorishirou put in place to "protect himself and others". Fearing a repeat of his past, he tries not to make any connections or friendships with people - in his view, the less people there are connected to him, the less likely anyone will get hurt because of him; it is his "status quo", per se, and he does his best to keep it, to keep his entire world in control in that fashion.

Even deeper than that is a kind and gentle individual, one who is very much a big brother to those in need. Though he shrugs off thanks, glares down anyone who calls him "nice" and other related words, and makes a big deal of grumbling about it, Yorishirou is quite the gentleman and wouldn't hesitate to protect and aid others. He has a fairly soft side to him, and deflecting gratitude is his way of hiding his embarrassment at getting compliments. If one manages to find a friend in Yorishirou, then there is no doubt that their backs will always be covered.

Equipment / Abilities
Ice was the element awakened in Yorishirou's body, and indeed he is quite fitted for the role. As cold and harsh as the frosts he commands, the youth reflects the striking yet melancholy isolation that winter brings about.

Yorishirou, being a street prowler and gangster of sorts, originally starts off fighting relying on his fists and feet. Eventually, he gains a preference to axes and related weaponry.

۰ Power House - Known in the gangs and delinquent circles as the city's king, Yorishirou has no qualms in slugging someone in the face if the situation calls for it. He has dominated the streets for years and has yet to be bested in hand-to-hand close-quarter combat.

۰ Nimble Swift - Trained up from hopping fences and crates, breakdancing, capoeira, and track team practice, Yorishirou did not compensate his strength for his speed or dexterity. One of the few reasons he has yet to lose a fight is because people tend to underestimate his ability to hit hard and dodge fast.

۰ Housekeeper - Because he tends to avoid his parents, Yorishirou has learned to do things around the house on his own. Cooking, cleaning, and fixing appliances are part of his repertoire of housekeeping skills. He has also learned sewing and some simple first aid to patch himself up after a scuffle.

۰ Wall with Ears - Yorishirou's many years frequenting the dark corners of the streets has taught him to reap such places of the valuable information that they hold. He has many tactics in which to gather information and is a wellspring of knowledge in terms of rumours, local happenings, people, and locations.

۰ Jack of All Trades - Being a fellow who is and likes to be independent, Yorishirou's resume (if he bothered to write one) would be chock full of part-time jobs. Translator, waiter, cashier, bartender, after-school baby-sitter, tutor, assistant chef, janitor, dish-washer, even menial jobs like sealing envelopes and folding origami are all things he's done. As such, he's pretty loaded for his age and social status.

۰ One-Man Army - There is no such thing as "we" in Yorishirou's world. Though he understands the importance of teamwork and implements only as much as he needs to in his track team, he would much rather do everything and anything on his own. In most circumstances, he outright rejects cooperation with others and plows ahead with his own plans and ideas.

۰ Double-Edged Blade - Being the lone wolf he is, Yorishirou in battle poses a threat to not only his enemies but his allies as well. He is used to being surrounded on all sides by opponents, and so when he fights he does so without bothering to differentiate between friend or foe.

۰ White Knight - For all his hostility to others and "I don't give a damn" attitude, Yorishirou is quite the chivalrous fellow. He has a surprising soft spot for children (children being anyone age ten and under) and has his moments of incredible courtesy to women; women and children are also his weak points when in hostage situations. Hostages are iffy, however; if played right, Yorishirou can be effectively taken out of commission, but the moment he finds any opening to break the situation he'll be after his opponents with the force that gave him his street name.

۰ No Fucks Given - Other than his moments of kindness, Yorishirou pretty much could not care less about other people, and pretty much ignores the world in general. Don't expect kindness or help from him unless you have close relations with him.

Yorishirou wasn't always a bad kid. He actually used to be very sweet: a good little boy who always listened to what Mommy and Daddy said and smiled and made friends. Listened to his teachers, paid attention in class, was well-behaved. That is, until one day in elementary school, he was ridiculed for his hair. It was the first time it had ever happened; his parents had never commented on it, and his little sister seemed fascinated with her brother's silvery strands. At first, he tried to ignore them - after all, Mommy always told him that if he got teased, he shouldn't listen to what they say because all they wanted was a reaction from him. But the teasing only got worse, until kids would pull at his hair and physically provoke him. Still he remained quiet, because he was a good little boy who always listened to Mommy and Daddy.

It stayed that way until his parents moved their family out of the small town they lived in to Iwatodai. Far away from the bullying, Yorishirou thought his days of torment were over. He was wrong, because not only was he now the new kid, he was the new kid from some backwater town with the weird name and the funny hair. So the bullying started yet again. He didn't do anything, ignored them like he'd ignored the ones back in his old town. His mother had always told him that they'd leave him alone once they got bored, so it was just a little longer, right? Wrong. When he didn't react, the bullies labelled him as a wuss and started picking on him more, knowing he wouldn't fight back. At first he endured it, covered up the bruises and cuts with the excuse, "I fell down." Then his sister became a bully target, and it got personal. It was frightening for him, just entering junior high, standing up to bullies and slugging one in the face for the first time. He'd done it out of an instinctual protectiveness of his sister. But then he realized what he'd done, and the next day all hell broke loose.

He arrived at school to see his desk Sharpie'd all over on. Derogatory names, hate messages, jeers and taunts. Yorishirou had to sit at that vandalized desk and wait until lunch hour to clean it up. He'd get garbage dumped on him, stuff thrown into his shoe locker, tripped in class and in the halls; one time he got shoved into the storage room and was able to get out only because the janitor heard him screaming and banging on the door. But by now he was fed up, and he started to train up his body and picking fights. His parents didn't understand why their child had suddenly gone "bad", as he'd never once spoken about the bullying, not wanting them to worry. Yorishirou remained silent about the treatment he was given. Eventually the small fry got the message and backed off, but the tougher ones kept it going, just to see how far he was willing to go. It was like this all through junior high. And then in his last year of junior high, the bullying went one step too far.

He'd taken up breakdancing and capoeira in junior high, seeking a way to vent stress and train his body to fight. As a defensive tactic, he kept a fake switchblade on his person just to look like he was armed when he went home. He'd always hurry to his sister's school to make sure he could walk her home safely. What he hadn't expected was that one night on his way home from the store, the bullies would abduct his sister. Furious, he hunted them down and found them in the back alleys of the city, sexually assaulting her.

He did it without thinking. Pulling his switchblade out, Yorishirou snapped out the blade and drew attention to himself, thinking of using it to frighten away the perpetrators. Things didn't go as planned; the delinquents jumped him and wrestled the blade from his hands. And when they pointed the knife at his sister, he finally snapped. All the frustration and anger and hate he'd kept bottled up against the bullies fueled his rampage. Within the hour, Yorishirou had murdered everyone in the alley . . . including his own sister, caught in the chaos. He went into shock, and when the real thugs found him, he let out all his emotions on them. That night, the "White Dragon of Iwatodai" was born.

Though his parents tried to tell him that his sister's death wasn't his fault, Yorishirou knew very well that it was. He withdrew from the world and remained at home for weeks, nursing his depression and guilt. No one dared bully him anymore, fearing his wrath, and though he would show his face in school, Yorishirou would disappear - sometimes for days - to gods knows where. It was around that time that he began his mural in the same back alley that he had accidentally killed his sister, both as his apology and his remembrance of her. When he first began it, people would try to vandalize it, only to have the White Dragon's punishment descend upon them. Even punks are wary of him now, and don't ever go near his wall, though there are still a few who haven't learned their lessons.

It was during one of his sojourns to his mural that it happened. Yorishirou could only remember his vision blurring before passing out, and in his unconscious state was given visions of what had transpired in the Chamber of Time. Upon waking, he felt the strange, new sensation of power coursing through his body and, while he finds this whole thing rather unsettling, understands the importance of restoring time.

Theme Songs
۰ Snow's Theme; Masashi Hamauzu
۰ Soul Killer ~Zehel~; Nakagawa Kotaro
۰ Burn My Dread -Last Battle-; Meguro Shoji
۰ Backside of the TV; Meguro Shoji

۰ Yorishirou, when not at school for Track Team practice or Fashion Club, spends his time in the back alleys of Iwatodai and Tatsumi Port Island breakdancing and using his artistic abilities to work on his special mural hidden there.
۰ He rather enjoys his time in the Fashion Club, and has taken up making clothes for himself in his spare time.
۰ Other past times include guitar-playing, video games (mostly RPGs or shooters), and reading.