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Desmond Lassiter

Roleplay: "Guns of Camelot"

Player: enkerzed

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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At my master's service, not yours

Bearded, bald, dark-skinned, brown-eyed and 5'9 tall with a solid build. Considering that he's a 40 year old house servant, he's not looking any worse for wear.

Fiercely loyal to his master, a Caliburn Knight named Lowan Grimm, and incredibly surly to just about anyone else. He's very cynical, very judgemental and has strong opinions on what should and shouldn't be. Most of the time, he'll keep his thoughts to himself and he takes his duties very seriously, but when provoked, well, let's just say it's not very wise to do so. Overall, he's a man of morals and duty... and hidden depths.

Equipment / Abilities
In regards to housework, he's highly efficient and scrupulous. In his youth, he might also have been capable of beating several men at once within an inch of their lives. He has lost little of that strength over time.

Born in the lower half of the capital city in Camelot, Desmond grew up with a penchant for violence and thievery. His father was a drunken sot and his mother was a harlot, so he looked up to the older kids. The ones who organized bare fist fights between each other and other rival pugilist gangs to assert their worth with their fists.

For years, Desmond had hit and been hit by bigger, stronger boys, and in comparison to living with his parents, it was virtually paradise. But to survive, he often had to steal and had many run-ins with Gunslingers over time, who would bring him back to his parents to face another night of misery.

One day, Desmond stole from the wrong man. A ruthlessly cunning man who preyed on the poor and effectively made slaves of them in return for pocket change, though only barely within the bounds of the law. When forced to decide between servitude or losing a hand, Desmond took a third option by beating the teeth out of the older man's jaws. This finally crossed the tolerance of the local Gunslingers who were around to catch him in the act. Desmond was promptly tossed into jail and wasn't let out until a week later, when someone actually cared enough to review his case. That someone was a Gunslinger named Lowan Grimm.

After being released, Lowan offered to take Desmond as a squire. Desmond refused, wanting nothing to do with the world of Gunslingers, but he had a deep respect for Sir Grimm which only grew over time. It was Lowan who taught him how to read, write and earn an honest living. For a time, Desmond was sent to work on a farm and there he learned of responsibility. He never went back to the world of fist fight gangs, but he followed Sir Grimm everywhere, becoming his squire in a fashion.

The days after his master became a Caliburn Knight were the most trying, as many Gunslingers would challenge him for his status and his gun. Such was the case for all newly recognized Guns of Camelot. The only ways out were to surrender the guns or fight enough duels to prove that he was not to be trifled with, and live through all that time. Many times, Desmond would have to carry his master away to safety, victorious after a duel but wounded in various degrees of severity.

When things had finally settled down, Lowan bought a manor to live in and allowed Desmond to stay there as well. Since then, Desmond has adopted the role of a butler/house servant, in return for everything his master had done for him.
