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Roleplay: "Guns of Camelot"

Player: enkerzed

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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The Witch Queen of Avalon


A dark figure of unknowable age and wisdom, it is virtually impossible to regard her as anything other than the immortal witch queen that she is. Her hair is long, black and does not reflect any light, which gives her the appearance of being wreathed in shadows. Her eyes are similarly dark, her face looks neither young nor old, and her skin is not of a natural hue. Adding to her otherworldly appearance is her immense height, which some have made the comparison of being only a head shorter than the statue of King Arthur in Camelot, itself twice and more a normal person's height.

Despite her unnatural appearance, Morgana bears a very human love for Avalon and its people. Though so much of a solitary figure that she lives in her castle alone and barely appears among her subjects, she works tirelessly to keep Avalon prosperous and help each and every person in their time of need. From governing to healing to protection from threats both natural and supernatural, Morgana seems to handle almost every issue on Avalon entirely by herself, though she leaves the matter of crime and peacekeeping to the Gunslingers. As dedicated as she is however, no one on Avalon can say that they know or understand their witch queen particularly well. She never reveals anything about her past and most of the time she is silent, even as she cures a sick child of his illness. When she does speak, it is for a purpose and her manner is unwaveringly solemn.

Equipment / Abilities
Has a level of mastery over magic that is far beyond that of any Merlin who had ever existed throughout history, except for the first.

All that is known about Morgana's past is that she has been around since the time of Camelot's founding, and was one of the four to bear King Arthur's body to Avalon after he had died from his wounds, fighting and killing the traitor, Mordred, at the legendary Battle of Camlann. Most events since then have either been lost to legends and myth, or were never remembered in any form in the first place. For whatever reason that no one living knows, Morgana is now the last of her sisters to rule Avalon. Much of the history that has been lost over time is now only remembered by her, and she is unwilling to share.
