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Angus McNair

Roleplay: "Guns of Camelot"

Player: enkerzed

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( Up: Winter hunting with his boys. Pictured here is young James. Ryan is coming along. Curious Nuala is sneaking after them in secret.)
(Down: Younger Angus, when he changed his hair color a lot to confuse people. And his horse 'Shot'. Clever, yes? Shot's dead now though.)

Name: Angus 'Colt' McNair, but few get to call him 'Colt.
Age: 54
Hair/Eyes/Build: Black/Blue/Muscular yet agile.
Height: 6 feet, even
Weight: 180
Origin: Outside the walls of Camelot, in the farmlands.
Occupation: Caliburn Knight, sheepherder, father.
Rose, his wife. Maiden name Wesson, of the Gunsmith Wessons.
Ryan Tomas, oldest son. A squire.
James Jax, youngest son, middle name is in honor of Andrew Jax, his best friend. A squire.
Finnuala 'Nuala' Meave McNair. Wool Maiden with an unexpected future in store. His only baby girl.

Loyalty, intelligence, and strong willed.

 A little insensitive, can take things too far, a bit dense sometimes, and Rose.


Angus has got a commanding presence. In his long life he's been there and done that. Angus didn't survive how he lived on his good looks. It took a strength of character and ruthlessness that kept him breathing. But when it comes down to it, he's negotiable. The only one who's got that special touch which crumbles his walls is Rose, his wife.

Angus has no room in his heart for 'Jackasses' and 'Lily boys'. He will make like Little Neddy and shoot you in a fair duel. (Nowadays, at least. If you caught him in his youth, you'd bet your gun he'd take any shot he could. A cheap shot is still a shot. and he's alive to prove it.) This is not to say he doesn't slip up and go too far. Angus has had his ups and downs. A cruel word here, an oversight there. If anyone in Camelot could correct him and give a good chew-out on him, it's Rose. She knows he needs a good switch'n sometimes, so don't hesitate to call on her for a little revenge on Angus.

Equipment / Abilities

Pure awesome, 'Wyatt' his Caliburn gun, and 'Notch' one of his trusty colts. His other colt, 'Stix' is with Nuala in her wool wagon on his insistence. She has no idea of it's history for the moment.
If you can count a horse as equipment, then Robin his red-chestnut Thoroughbred stallion should be mentioned.


Like any Knight, the usual quick draw, guts, and foresight. Some think he's a regular Andrew Jackson.
Angus has skills in hand-to-hand, staff fighting, and trickery.
Along with that we have adrenaline rush and 'I-don't-give-a-dam' syndrome during a battle.

The arts:
His voice is a tenor, and he's good. Nuala likes to sing with him. That's about it.


Son of a sheepherder Brogan 'Mac' McNair, Angus grew up restless and stubborn. Nothing his parents could say or do made him at peace on that sleepy old farmland. The only thing that interested him was fighting. Angus took great joy in slaying anything that attacked his flock. Sometimes he'd leave fresh stinky meat out to lure in predators. But when the beasts of the woods got smart and left his herd alone, he searched for a new outlet.

Illegal bare knuckle boxing. He earned himself a steady first place title, as long as he didn't fight Andrew Jax, a buddy of his. Other wise he was second place, no question. But that wasn't enough. He had to be the best at something. So, Angus took his time in Camelot, watching the Gunslingers closely. Stealing a gun for himself, Angus trained like a wild man. His quick draw and timing, plus learning from the great dead guys of the past, made his a formidable foe. Then he was joined by like minded men.

Taking queues from Robin Hood, Carlo Gambino, and Clay Allison, his bandit rabble the 'Colts', so named for the revolvers they favored, became feared and untouchable. Angus used disguises, like the great bandit Robin Hood. He thought of himself like the fox and the lion, as the Carlo Gambino once was called. And in his eyes, just like Clay, Angus killed men who needed killing. And just like Carlos, Robin Hood, and Clay, he would never get caught, and he would never die. The few who knew he was the Colts leader were only it's members. Angus rode around to many towns in Avalon, but the day he came back to Camelot, to visit his father, was the day he scored his first fame-kill.

Angus dueled Edward Masters, the tall black-bearded Gunslinger to Camelot. A wielder of a Caliburn. Angus was a brash young blood, he knew Edward had one on his hip. But he did it anyway. Most betted against his life. Now that he had one, people were wary and willing to duel him too. Riding on fame he was sought out by many. Yet it was just a whirl wind of a life and the waves tossed him around so much that he got bored of it all. Just as things were routine he fell in love with Rose Wesson. She was a talented Gunsmith, but that was expected form people born of the Wesson family.

It was on a Sunday, the sun was at it's peek. Rose walked out of her house just as Angus crossed the street and that was that. He pursued her and she didn't mind. Jason Tum, a loose cannon, didn't like the boss getting goo-goo over a girl. Under Angus's nose, Jason and some Colts who felt the same, went and raided Rose's close friends home. Making it clear it was the Colts in particular. Then he slipped to her Angus's secret. Jason turned Rose against Angus, hoping this foolish fling would die out now. Although Rose now refused Angus's advances with ferocity, she didn't rat on him. Deep inside she still felt love for the man. But she made it clear to Angus she was not interested in an Outlaw. But Rose didn't say she wasn't interested in him. Challenge accepted!

Calling his long time gang for a last meeting, he told them it was over. Jason in particular was upset. Now that in Angus's eyes there was no longer a Colt bandit gang, the laws within the gang no longer applied. Jason called Angus 'soft', and then was shot. That was a serious crime to commit in the gang, but now there was no gang. Can't break rules that don't exist. Angus smiled darkly at them and told them there was to be no more Colt activity, or else. They promised out of fear.

Angus made sure to become a squire before talking to Rose again. She was impressed and agreed to date him. Shortly after they went steady news got to the Gunslingers that the Colt gang was back in action. Rose was tempted to not only break up with Angus, but kill him too. Yet, she believed him when he told her he wasn't apart of the bandits. He even told her what happened the night he broke away. Now it was time to make good on his threat to them. At the risk of getting arrested, he teamed up with his fellow Gunslingers, who were shocked to hear who he was, and corralled the Colt gang. Stomping them out cold.

Rose was swept off her feet by his willingness to do the right thing, even if it meant imprisonment. Angus told her it was because he didn't want Rose to think of him as a disappointment. This tipped the scales and she married him. Some say the love she had for him made his guns all the more impressive, since no magic is more powerful than love. Angus was still a rash young blood and he leapt at the chance to fight. Among the more impressive exploits of his are the two times he seemed to walk away from two P.O.W camps unscathed, and becoming known as 'the Black Death', a sniper of snipers. But the story that's most told is the retrieval of a trove of food and supplies belonging to a struggling village. A starving village. With poor children. This pissed him off.

It was night, the wind chilling. His Gunslingers were at his side. The bandits had fortified themselves near the edge of a cliff. Angus had the crazy idea of climbing the shear 100 foot cliff-face as a sneak attack. He was of course the volunteer who would secure the ropes at the top so the rest could get up faster. Nearly at the end of his climb, they were spotted. Dodging an onslaught of bullets from both directions, he made it up. Charging head on like a raging bull, he tossed a few grenades, and then shot the rest down. All while standing in full view. Like Andrew Jackson and Wild Earp. He secured the ropes and had his men carry the supplies and food back to the villagers.

Some thought his hero days would never end, but as soon as Rose was clearly pregnant, he asked to be on reserve. They really could have said no, but then he'd just leave, so they agreed to his request. Since Grandpa Mac was getting old, Rose and Angus moved to the old sheep farm. A place he used to hate. There he raised three kids, Ryan, James, and Nuala. All were taught how to defend themselves. Both boys were in fact enlisted in the Army, as new squires. Rose still did Gunsmithing here and there, but she found a love for wool that overtook her.

For the time being he has been relocated to Camelot, to help keep the City safe while war raged around them. He was proud that Ryan and James, new squires, were out there doing their part. Rose was less amused. Those were her babies. But at least Nuala was home. Even if Rose didn't get to visit Angus often, because of the farm, Nuala went every weekend to him and to sell wool. Hopefully the war will end soon and her men will return to her.

He has a respect for Gunslingers that have a reputation like him. Although he has thought of dueling for fun, his family comes to mind to stop him. Mostly Rose comes to mind. He promised not to get into anything if he could avoid it. Besides, allies are better. And he also has a greater respect for Gunfighters who've made the effort to change their rough lives around like he did. No crying over spilled milk! Angus tips his hat to them, he can relate.

His specialty is to shoot the opponents hand or gun. No death. Rose made him practice this over and over and over. And over and over. And over. Until he got it at least three times in a row, preferable four. It was usually with a moving target to make it harder. A steady hand was a piece of cake. Most of the time.

He's still mortal and the Reaper is waiting. Patience, my friend. Patience.