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The Merlin

Roleplay: "Guns of Camelot"

Player: enkerzed

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The Merlin of Camelot, chief of all the Gunsmiths and advisor to the king

A great engine of a man who is older than most yet stout of stature and heavy of muscle. Standing at 5'4 tall, he is also shorter than most, yet looks as though he's been carved out of solid bedrock, with a broad nose and deep wrinkles on his face that look more like scars than anything. There is one actual scar next to his rheumy right eye, blinded in some accident, though his cyan coloured left eye is unscathed. His white hair is thin at the top and scraggly at the back, but his full beard is the most striking feature, hanging down to the base of his sternum when unbound. Often wears the clothes of any other Gunsmith, so one would only know him as the eminent advisor of the king by knowledge rather than sight.

As much as he appears to be a squat, boulder-armed brawler, the Merlin is a highly earnest and intelligent man who takes his duties seriously, but is not without a sense of humour or imagination. He's not much of a drinker either, but he sure does like to smoke and enjoys a good conversation every now and then. One thing he does not enjoy at all however is having his time wasted, so he will suffer no foolery or humbuggery.

Equipment / Abilities
Well versed in many different types of crafts and fields of knowledge, including magic, though gunsmithing is of course his primary skill. On the subject of magic, he has such skills as being able to enchant individual bullets to harm any being regardless of the gun that fired them, thus replicating the Caliburn Guns' power in lesser firearms, though the enchantment is typically difficult to apply and only lasts for a short period of time. Also, he is able to use one of Morgana's crystal balls for the purposes of scrying and divination, though not half as well as the witch queen herself.

Growing up as a friend of Gunther Pendragon, the Merlin, once known as Abel Cunnigan, made a departure in the tradition of following in his father's footsteps by becoming a Gunsmith instead of a Gunslinger, due to his fascination with machinery. Though this caused him to separate from Gunther for the sake of his studies and apprenticeship, the estrangement was ultimately only temporary. After the not-yet Merlin became a Gunsmith in his own right, the brotherly bond between him and Gunther was renewed and only grew stronger over time. They both succeeded their predecessors at roughly the same time and kept the city and its people in good health for many years, but now the Merlin has been left to take care of Camelot as well as the arriving refugees from Avalon, while Gunther rides to war against the Goblin King.
