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Roleplay: "Pandorica"

Player: Kuroshi

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Slender build and looks fairly meek. His hair is a silver/white colour and his eyes are a frozen blue. A tribal design is tattooed under his left eye. He wears a long black hooded cape which he wraps around himself like a rope. His clothes are very tribal made out of scraps from the old world. He wears a wolf crest, his spirit creature, on his chest.

Very quiet doesn't talk much to most people unless they prove to be trust worthy. Can be extremely energetic at times. He fights like a feral beast, swift and vicious, occasionally lost in the blood lust and forgets himself and acts as if he has become an animal this can take a few days before he snaps back to realization. Despite this he would never harm anyone he cared about.

Equipment / Abilities
He uses a dagger and hachet made of stone to do most of his fighting but he also carries a bow and arrows which he crafts himself. If he has any supernatural talent it still remains hidden

