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Lauren Stone

Roleplay: "The Coming Darkness 2"

Player: ascadellia

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Need something fixed? I'm your girl.

Name: Lauren Stone
Nickname: Gadget. Lau, Stone.
Lilac eyes and long pink hair.
Five foot eight, slightly muscular from heavy lifting, with a top heavy hour glass figure. 

I'm very sarcastic with others.  Dislike kids, dislike putting up with annoyances. I won't stand for stupid people or pity parties. Otherwise, I'm open enough to many experiences and somewhat reasonable. Depending on my mood, I'll be a little lenient. Unless it involves bloodshed. I really don't like to be in conflict. Doesn't mean I won't defend myself, cause I know how to do a bit of street-fighting. No real training other than what I've caught on to and been shown. Mainly a 'know this and this, learn this, don't need that' type of training. 

View on the war isn't a good one. I wish it'd just end. But hey, broken machinery means more income for myself. I just hope all this new technology and magic won't get Too advanced. I'd be out of a job if this keeps up. It's hard memorizing things, and I ain't a super genius. But, at least my business is thriving. It's doing extremely well, especially when those bratty kids come in and want a quick fix on their pricey cars. They pay well.

Equipment / Abilities
Equipment: She's got a mechanical arm, which she paid big bucks to make it seem as natural as possible. The skin's synthetic, so it feels like real skin. Obviously, if she got cut, she wouldn't really bleed. Just be very annoyed. Her arm's a lot stronger than it'd look. Belt of tools most of the time, goggles she usually keeps on her head, doubles up as shades in order to block out the sun.

Abilities: While she has no magical abilities (or so she thinks), she does have her arm, which doubles up as a weapon. She's modified it as a high powered gun.

She does have magic. It's something to do with metal working. It can bend a whole lot easier than it can for an ordinary person. She can modify or shape the metal, according to her will, making custom jobs easier. She's not aware of this, due to her thinking it's just due to skills.

The past:
Born and raised in the UK, Lauren moved out of her home and went to the U.S. after her 18th birthday. She did this to break free from her hometown, and maybe get something better out of her life. From there, she learned more about fixing cars, making custom jobs, and even picked up a bit of a tougher demeanor. She'd always been a sarcastic gal, but being around males most of the time made it more apparent. She doesn't back down, nor does she like to take the easy way out of things. Gotta work for things.

She lost her arm two years after the whole war on magic started. She'd lost it due to an accident, and was unable to salvage her arm. Given the alternative option, she decided to have an operation that gave her a mechanical arm to use. Now, she's pretty used to it. No one really can tell her arm's a fake. Unless she runs by a metal detector. Then, it's an annoyance to explain to the security there.

The Present:
Now, she resides in Japan due to the career opportunity she was able to get. Making her own business, she's done pretty well for herself. The girl doesn't like cutting corners, and has an iron fist with her work. This has made it easier to advance and compete with other people in the same industry as her. The only thing she Hasn't done, is gone all out on making her business well known. She doesn't want that much attention, nor that much responsibility. Only takes on what she knows she can handle. 

She likes lobster, cherries, and spicy food.
Not very fond of dressing up.
Has a dislike of magic, due to viewing it as an 'easy out'.