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Juro Takahiro

Roleplay: "The Coming Darkness 2"

Player: IamEnzo

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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I've found my purpose in life. Did you?

//.begin transmission

Name: Juro Takahiro

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Height: 5'10

Weight: 164 LBs

Combat level: 27

 Occupation: Brotherhood Terrorist

Target has been known to be unpredictable to authorities and civilians alike. 
He is cruel, and ruthless to those both outside his family and in it. 
Unlike his father, he is against the law, 
and the overall well-being ofcities and their people.

Avoid if possible. 

Equipment / Abilities
Target uses two twin blades, which was reportedly forged steel from the Gaze.
Each sword holds electrical currents, if struck by it, 
all electronic devices will haze for a short duration

If the target possesses magic or not is still unclear. Having been in the brotherhood, 
it is highly likely that he practices such ungodly things,
but in every encounter he has resorted to technological means of fighting.
This BIOS will update upon the capture of the target.

Juro was born in poverty. An old religious village in the high mountains. 
like his parents, a working police man and a caring woman,
he was very spiritual, and held a certain role within his own village. 
His job was to take responsibility of all those younger than him, and to
guide them to a 'straight' path.

After the technological jump, the villages destruction was only inevitable, and necessary, as neighboring towns expanded onto the land and taken over.

Now, Juro defies his only surviving parent, his father, 
and has reacted violently to
both him and people around him, 
aiding the Brotherhood in capturing important parts of cities, 
hacking and burning down Overseer towers, 
and endangering the public overall.

Shoot on sight.

//.end transmission
