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Dave Yakio

Roleplay: "Castaway"

Player: StrawBBry

Public,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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'Lost in thoughts..'

Dave gives his life for his job, he is obsessed about it. He usually always works and travels around the world as a cameramen. He is quite independent  so maybe he still makes a chance to stay alive … for a while.

Dave is a nice, caring guy. Sometimes he can seem a bid selfish but he actually cares a lot about others. He comes from New York and is photographer, for his job he had to take pictures of Egypt's culture. But the plane crashed in the middle of the Ocean near to a small island. Without any food, other items than wood and things that flushed by out of the water he has to survive. 

Equipment / Abilities
Even stuck on an island he still has his camera with him, and wonder by wonder the thing still works.

