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Elexandar Lenning [P1]

Roleplay: "Mind Blown 1x1"

Player: Omlyt

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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"Pika pika!"



Two feet and half an inch

Forty nine pounds

Eye Color:
Light blue 

Hair Color:

Hair Style:
Jaw-line length hair that is layered. No specific style, just sits where it wants to and remains in bed-head mode.

Skin Color:
Mostly pink

Body Type:
Has baby fat, but it is mostly in his stomach area

One on his lower back that's still healing, three small ones on his hands

Style Of Dress:
Wears pikachu hoodie whenever he can. Besides that, his grandmother dresses him in whatever she wants to at the time. She used him as a model for the children's clothing she designed.

A bit on the ditzy side, Elexandar was the sweetest and the dorkiest kid on the block. With his obsession with Pikachu and his charming adorableness to him, the little boy doesn't need words to express with curiosity with the world and people. He likes to watch people and all they do, and mimic them, like a miniature actor who remembers his lines well. He had a knack for picking up words easily and memorizing things, but not just words: lyrics, melodies, things and objects. His doctor thought this was strange, but it was due to a development in his brain that had no effect on his life. 

He cries quietly, with only sniffles and the occasional whimper whenever he doesn't get what he wants, just as any child would at this age. He is, otherwise, well behaved and learning how to be polite. He's not all too bad at sharing and giving hugs, but has a hard time reacting to yelling and pain.

He fears lightning, big cars that he can see out the window, loud noises, too many people at once and dogs. 

Equipment / Abilities
  • Can sing his ABCs forwards and knows his numbers up to 15. 
  • He knows how to write "I"s, "C"s and "D"s in both lower case and uppercase. 
  • Very well potty trained.

After being born to two loving parents, Elex and his mother and father were on their way home from the hospital. They had just been released and they were in the car... A drunk man with his own child in the backseat rear ended the Lennings into a wall and off of a bridge and onto another road. The two in the front seat were killed, but the baby that was oh-so secure in his seat remained alive. The ambulance came, declaring the two parents dead and saving Elex with a back surgery to repair the damaged tissue in his back. After the first surgery, the tissue got infected and had to be cleaned 2 times, at least in the past few years, and once recently. He had been cleared for the usual childish play and it had healed, but he has still had pains in his back, making him not nearly as active as the other kids. 

After the accident, his grandmother claimed him, a fashion designer of sorts for a children's clothing company. She designed Elex's hoodie and created it when she discovered his obsession with Pokemon. They've lived well for the past five years, with very little complications. Because Elex never knew his parents, he calls his grandmother "Mom-mom."

He started Pre-K when he was three and is now finishing up Kindergarten to move onto the first grade. He didn't move on as fast as the others because he was too absorbed in playing than making himself memorize things.

{Under construction}