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Nariah Bellroot

Roleplay: "Black dahlia academy"

Player: FaeBladeX

Private,   Enabled,   Approved,   Owned

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Headmistress of Black Dahlia academy

Blue eyes, hair, and lashes. Pale skin with rosy cheeks and glossy pink lips.
She always has a blue butterfly flitting around her, and a headset with a pink butterfly wing on it.
She wears a black dress and arm warmers with one silver ring on her finger with the Black dahlia engraved on it.

She is kind, understanding, and wise. She's playful when she's in her music class, but serious when it comes to being the 
head mistress of Black Dahlia academy making big decisions.

Equipment / Abilities
Black Dahlia's head mistress knows all minds in her school. when you join, she 
gives you a contract to sign where your mind is hers to read if there is a big enough crime committed. 
She is a siren, and the only one on the island, so her voice can put people in a trace for a short while.


She was spawned specifically to run the academy. Her whole history has been to deal with the students,
and make the island and the academy a safe place for all to live in.