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James Anthony Dymphora

Roleplay: "The Night War"

Player: Atsumaru

Private,   Enabled,   Pending,   Owned

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Ruthless and controlling, he has brokered a treaty not only with the lycan hounds but also with the Templar Zealots.

Piercing grey eyes that tend towards red the hungrier he gets. Sharp features of a predator and the lazy smirk of someone who owns the world. Well dressed and proper, he is an eloquent man accustomed to all the finer things of life.

For each question give a detailed response of your characters actions, thoughts, and feelings.

You are at a party full of new people.
He survey's the room around him; keen, predatory eyes searching for threats... and weaknesses. The hunger has gotten easier to control, when he first awoke it was unquenchable, fiery, and consuming. Now, it's a dull ache in his throat. He breathes in the invigorating stench of life, listening to the dull throb of blood through veins. He casts one more look around before beginning the hunt.

You are beset by a vampire in the darkness.
Anthony watches the stranger, carefully, until finally he is certain of the other's submission and identity. "Jesus, so nice to see a representative of the covens of the south. What brings you this far north?"...

You are beset by a werewolf in the darkness.
"You Dare?!" A cold, fierce growl. The will. It's a powerful tool, more powerful than lupine tooth or claw, more powerful than any human technology. But where that fails there is always simple, brutal, strength. Usually, however, the will suffices in forcing his inferiors to grovel at his feet. Eyes angry, glowing red, he brings the bitch to heel.

You are beset by a Templar in the darkness.
"I very much hope you aren't thinking of doing anything foolish. You might very well endanger the treaty with your... zeal." He can't afford to come to blows with his enemies yet, not like this, not exposed and in the open. Too much is riding on the next few years. Too much planning, too much preparation. Standing tall and confident, "looming" some might call it, he prepares to eliminate the fool quickly, quietly, and permanently... if need be.

A human child cries for it's mother in an abandoned building.
He can hear the wailing from half a block away. Perhaps it's hunger that draws him, or perhaps some small, benighted portion of his soul still longs for the comfort and warmth of the living. He examines the building, ramshackle and worn down, falling apart. Full of dust and debris, and one lonely, lost soul. He sighs, whatever he might once have been... that life is over now. Turning beneath the light of the moon, he walks away, pulling out a cell and making a call as he leaves. He ditches the cell in the gutter, and less than an hour later a squad car pulls up to investigate the scene.

You are challenged by a superior to defend your actions.
"I don't have any 'superiors.'"

Equipment / Abilities

