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Takemura Sensei

Roleplay: "Clone Warehouse"

Player: Schizophrenic

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A man in his late twenties, slowly realizing that he is not as content as he'd like to think.


"These days... I feel lost."

Name // Yuichi Takemura
Nickname // Sensei
Height // 6' 2''
Day of Birth // June 20

Hair Color // Pure White
Eye Color // Red
Weight // 202 lbs.
Age // 28

Clothing //
Most all of the time he is either at work or other work related meetings and conferences so it's very rare you see him in something other than his regular work attire which consists of;

Various button down dress shirts, slacks and ties of different colors.
Pristine dress shoes.
Wire frame glasses.
A silver wedding ring.
His lab coat he has had since Med. School.

Yuichi is seemingly a well rounded guy. Smart, athletic and a little bit mysterious... which always added to his charm. But for the most part, his lack of social eagerness left him out of the loop which turned him into quite the loner.

It isn't exactly that he wants to be alone, he just grew used to the solitude and doesn't really know how to be anything but that. His life was drawn out for him, so he sort of just went through the days doing what he was told or what everyone said was best for him. Everyone told him he was lucky, that he should be happy.

A beautiful wife, a nice house on the water and a comfortable teaching job. But now that he is getting close to the big 3 - 0 he is realizing that the life he lives day to day may not be the one he actually wants to live.

There is no passion, no excitement...

Equipment / Abilities
Equipment //
A briefcase filled with papers and a red pen that could ruin your GPA with a single swipe.
Skills //
Yuichi has always been above average in his academic skill level. A nearly photographic memory has aided him greatly in life and helped him achieve the certificates and degrees on his wall.

Life for Yuichi was easy, or so it seemed. Everything was set out for him, and his parents knew who he was going to be and made the decision for him. His whole life was following a precise plan, taking the predetermined steps to becoming a doctor. It was hard work, but hard work was in his blood. Graduating at the top of his class, he got accepted into the best university America had to offer. Did he necessarily want to go study overseas? Not really, but he spent five years there like he was supposed to.

The excitement to come home only lasted so long before he realized his parents had a woman waiting for him. Soon he came to realize she was his bride to be and his family demanded that he attempt to impress and propose to this woman. She was the daughter of another rich family and Yuichi's parents continued to insist that it was the best decision he could make. So he made it.

And now here he is, living the life he has been told to live. His friends say they are envious. To that remark he would just smile and nod, but in reality he is beginning to grow envious of the freedom that they have.
